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Beware of choosing your Broadband Provider

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Originally posted by max

Plusnet is Sheffield based and provides 512k at only £21.99 pcm. Plus, you get 50p off every month for every user who you've recommended, forever, not just for 1 month.


Arrgh..... now that is very tempting.



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Originally posted by max

If you do decide to go with plusnet pm me so I can get the 50p, please.



Will do.

I'm giving it some thought at the moment. I'd probably have to upgrade the harddisk too as 'the boy' would fill up the current one 10 times faster with music & pictures.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by max

Plusnet is Sheffield based and provides 512k at only £21.99 pcm. Plus, you get 50p off every month for every user who you've recommended, forever, not just for 1 month.


so if you recommend 44 people do you get it free forever???

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Well I'm still on good old dial-up.


I was with BTOpenworld and got sick of

a) constant barrage of viruses and spam

b) variable connection speed

c) awful customer support

d) too expensive!!

e) time limit on how many hours you can be on per month


So I did some research and decided to change to Onetel. However half way through the application form I found out you had to change your phone provider to them too, so I cancelled it.


Then I went with Tesco.net cos it's only £12.49 a month for unlimited access, no time limit.


It has been great for the past few months, but the last week or so has been terrible!! Virtually no emails will send (they are having problems with their smtp servers, and I phoned them today and they said it would probably go on for *a few weeks*?!) and I'm receiving double copies of the ones I receive and all in the wrong order.


I'm really hoping this is a temporary glitch and not representative of things to come...

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Since there have been a couple of positives comments about Blue Yonder (former Yorkshire Cable) I'd better correct the impression.


I was perfectly happy with them too 'till things started to go wrong. I have cable TV, and their phone service as well as broadband. I look forward to a month when all three services work faultlessly. The phone has just recovered itself after taking a day off, broadband disappears for an hour or two most days, TV's been OK for a couple of months but before that it spent 6 months being very unreliable. It wouldn't be so bad if you could get through to support without 10 mins of music on hold, and I'd not mind that but support is a euphamism for a brainless moron who wants not just account number but address, name, postcode, phone number (which must all be on their computer system and are too readily available to third parties to be regarded as "security checks"). After establishing that yes the computer is plugged in and switched on (well done guys I'd never have thought that could be why I can't see the internet!) you get transferred to "faults" - you guessed it, another 10 mins of music on hold and then they ask all the same identity information. On one occasion I was quoted 3 weeks wait before they could fix the fault (and not even a reimbursement of my subscription for the time spent off-line).


Today (telephone fault) "faults" said the system management computers were down so he couldn't do anything, would I mind phoning back in an hour (...and getting another 20 mins of music on hold and paying over the odds as I had to use my mobile to make the call). I suggested the rather novel idea of writing down my phone number and fault and typing it into the computer when it was better. He said it would be better if I called back (I think he may have meant he couldn't be arsed).


The blueyonder.feedback newsgroup leads me to conclude that I'm not alone in believing them to be a bunch of utter incompetents. The only thing that keeps them in business is that the only real competitor (!) for providing the local loop (the wire between the exchange and your house) is BT!


I could go on like this for hours but you and I have more interesting things to do.

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