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Searching for the Soul

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A programme on T.V. the other night was about scientists searching for the human soul, what is it? they want to know that puts life into the body? where does the spark of life come from and where does it go to when we die, fascinating question EH.


One minute you are alive and talking, laughing, making love, enjoying yourself, then, oblivion, where do we come from? where do we go to, will science find the answer, will anyone?

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Interesting question.


Do I believe in a human soul? Yes I reckon so. Although I have saidin the past that i am not religious. So can I believe?


I believe we all have a soul, that when we die we go to another plain (maybe spelled plain) of existence. I dont believe we are RULED by one almighty god.


I'm just not sure whats out there.


Do animals have souls? If not, why not? Why only human?

Is there a seperate doggy heaven? There have been far more animals on the planet than humans, given their relatively short life span n all, so when we get to the after life, will be be over-run with our ex pets, rodents etc.


When you think about it, what do you REALLY believe?

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Interesting question.


Do I believe in a human soul? Yes I reckon so. Although I have saidin the past that i am not religious. So can I believe?


I believe we all have a soul, that when we die we go to another plain (maybe spelled plain) of existence. I dont believe we are RULED by one almighty god.


I'm just not sure whats out there.


Do animals have souls? If not, why not? Why only human?

Is there a seperate doggy heaven? There have been far more animals on the planet than humans, given their relatively short life span n all, so when we get to the after life, will be be over-run with our ex pets, rodents etc.


When you think about it, what do you REALLY believe?




It is rather a vast place out there DB, so there is plenty of space for billions of souls, suns out their in this Galaxy alone and hundreds of billions of galaxies, far ,far, bigger than this one, so as you see there is no shortage of places to put all the life, or souls, that leave this earth.

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I saw that programme too. Very deep and thought provoking... I do believe we have souls, but of course it's one of those things that science can't really prove since it's more of a feeling and belief rather than something that can be measured and quantified.

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'I' , the part of my mind that thinks of itself as me, is an epiphenomenon of the self-awareness of the mind itself. WHen it is switched off I am unconcious, and have no conception of 'I'.


It is true, there is this quality that is very hard to define, possessed by all living things; Lyall Watson (Supernature, The Romeo Error, Origins) suggests it must be a kind of organising field that keeps all the cells in a multicellular organism working together. When that breaks down, death occurs, and it is a function of the brain/mind of the organism that sustains it.


Its no less spooky than any other explanation I admit.


Not being much of a believer in afterlife as such, I don't think the 'soul' leaves the body. I venture that a weak, but precisely applied electromagnetic field, tuned somehow using the magic molecule DNA, and that keeps the body 'organised', breaks down and the mind/brain can no longer sustain the effort of holding the body together. The field is extinguished along with the 'I' as the brain ceases to operate.

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