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Why aren't the police stopping these illegal scrap men?

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I'm not bothered if they have insurance, as long as they remove what needs removing.
probs is, they also remove what doesn't need removing, in other words ... :cool: The cheeky so-n-so's will take anything tradeable that's not nailed down.


A couple of them came on ours some weeks ago. I waited for the recce man to re-appear, said I'd taken the plate number and that if anything was missing later, we'd know where to come looking for it. He never said a word, just got in the wagon and they left the area.

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  • 1 year later...

Did anybody else see the large police presence on Stevenson Road this morning?


They were pulling up all the scrap vans as they arrived at the scrapyard to exchange their stuff for cash. No doubt there were some interesting questions being asked.


I had to laugh as I saw a van braking suddenly when the driver clocked the police and attempt to do a hasty u-turn, only to have a policemen on a motorcycle arrive to tell him he can join the queue of embarrassing questions along with the rest of them.


I then noticed the motorcycle policeman was on hand to escort a few drivers down Stevenson Road who might have second thoughts about their transactions. I guess there would have been another one at the other end of the road.


Later I noticed two vans parked up on Livingston Road with both drivers on their mobiles. I guessed they had managed to escape the police and were now putting the word out.


What was quite surprising was the sheer amount of scrap vans that had been pulled over in such a short period of time. I never realised there was so many, and yet there they were, about a dozen parked up waiting for their 20 questions. All the drivers seemed to be wearing string vests, and all the vans had at least one childrens bikes on the back.



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The scrapmen on Stevenson Road are as bent as nine bob notes anyway, so they'd operate a "no questions asked" policy. We used to strip down Moggy Minors after we'd taken out the steering rack for the stockcar and it was a couple of years before someone told us the roof of the vans were worth more than the rest of the car and the blokes at the scrapper were ripping us off

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Good on them? You must be kidding. This scrap theft is getting ridiculous! I live in a flat in Rotherham. It's in a pretty quiet area, well I haven't had much bother in 2 years. There has been 1 car theft I know of.

A neighbour commented to me a few weeks ago that a friend of hers who lived in the area, had mentioned putting things outside and them going missing. Didn't think much of it...

I woke up Friday morning and my neighbour was down to tell me that the "scrap men" had been in the night, removed all the gas pipes from the 1st and 2nd floor of the full block (16 flats out of 24).

She, who is disabled, said she had gone to run her morning bath, and had no hot water. She tried the boiler, then rang the council. They advised her to go downstairs and check the gas supply was switched on.(The meters are outside) She managed it down, and switched it on to find gas starting spilling out of a cut pipe. She then switched it off, and had to call the gas board. National Grid were involved. I was lucky to be on the ground floor- they didn't take these- probably due to them being too short to get any cash value.

I don't know how anyone can say it isn't theft.

Apparently the police have arrested 2 males in connection.

If the scum bags who did this are reading this, well done on leaving 5 couples with young babies, a woman who can barely walk, and a blind man without facilities to heat water or cook food for 2 days- until the council fixed it. Not to mention the other couples, young and old. I for one know people had to take time off work to wait for gas pipes to be refitted and to use facilities at others homes

Or maybe we should be blaming the council for leaving bare pipes on display

It's a joke.

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Good on them? You must be kidding. This scrap theft is getting ridiculous! I live in a flat in Rotherham. It's in a pretty quiet area, well I haven't had much bother in 2 years. There has been 1 car theft I know of.

A neighbour commented to me a few weeks ago that a friend of hers who lived in the area, had mentioned putting things outside and them going missing. Didn't think much of it...

I woke up Friday morning and my neighbour was down to tell me that the "scrap men" had been in the night, removed all the gas pipes from the 1st and 2nd floor of the full block (16 flats out of 24).

She, who is disabled, said she had gone to run her morning bath, and had no hot water. She tried the boiler, then rang the council. They advised her to go downstairs and check the gas supply was switched on.(The meters are outside) She managed it down, and switched it on to find gas starting spilling out of a cut pipe. She then switched it off, and had to call the gas board. National Grid were involved. I was lucky to be on the ground floor- they didn't take these- probably due to them being too short to get any cash value.

I don't know how anyone can say it isn't theft.

Apparently the police have arrested 2 males in connection.

If the scum bags who did this are reading this, well done on leaving 5 couples with young babies, a woman who can barely walk, and a blind man without facilities to heat water or cook food for 2 days- until the council fixed it. Not to mention the other couples, young and old. I for one know people had to take time off work to wait for gas pipes to be refitted and to use facilities at others homes

Or maybe we should be blaming the council for leaving bare pipes on display

It's a joke.


Consider them robbing a person who 'owns' their own property struggling to pay the mortgage as it is..


They rob individuals, social housing, children's play equipment, churches etc.


Seldom do they rob large corporations whom profit from the poor.


By any classification of thief, they come low down the list. Low down dirty scum! Nearly on par with those whom rob old women :(

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I think mj.scuba was referring to the police and not the scrap thieves.


No def the scrap men. I'd wanted rid of that rust box for ages.

They were invited to take it though. I think the contention is where they go scavanging uninvited.

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