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Is there any good history books on the gangs of Sheffield?

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I know this might be a bit of stange thing to ask, but Is there any good history books on the gangs of Sheffield?


Only i have family on my dads side who were well known in Sheffield and although my dad tells me great storys about his uncle i would love to dig a bit deeper as i love history.


Many thanks.

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I think you will find the nearest to the truth is in print in JP Bean's book, 'The Sheffield Gang Wars' which is based on newspaper and court reports at the time the events took place.


Many people told lies to cover up other misdoings and many people jump on the notoriety by telling lies about their involvement in the gangs.


There are so many exagerated stories and myths surrounding George Mooney and Sam Garvin and their gangs that I doubt if the truth will ever emerge.


Taking this into consideration you will never find a definitive history book only fiction based on hearsay.


You could always go to the library and look up the old newspaper reports for this period but they are only newspaper reports not necessarily the truth.


Some newspaper reporters have never let the truth get in the way of a good story, particularly if money has changed hands.


Good Luck PopT

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  • 4 months later...

I am the grandaughter of a Mooney, and my grandfather informs me that the book Sheffield gang wars is not an accurate account, the reason being, no one involved alive or deceased ever wanted to discuss what really happened as it effected the later generations, although he was never part of "the Mooney gang" he still had the stigma attatched to his name to this day, and thinks it should all be left well alone.

Although i can understand why people find it interesting, the effect it had on peoples

lives was unimaginable for those who lived it.

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