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Bad experience with Yell.com charging too much

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I've written to them and phoned them loads of times but they insist i entered a contract with them. I can't see how since i was told there was definitely no contract and i've not signed anything. Even if i did enter a contract i should be allowed out of it since they've lied to me about the cancellation date on every occasion i spoke to them, guaranteed work and the fact that i was assured there was no contract. I'm going to take this as far as it needs to go because no company should treat customers like this. I've just posted this here in the hope that i can save people from getting tricked by them like i did. Thank you for all your comments.

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I've written to them and phoned them loads of times but they insist i entered a contract with them. I can't see how since i was told there was definitely no contract and i've not signed anything. Even if i did enter a contract i should be allowed out of it since they've lied to me about the cancellation date on every occasion i spoke to them, guaranteed work and the fact that i was assured there was no contract. I'm going to take this as far as it needs to go because no company should treat customers like this. I've just posted this here in the hope that i can save people from getting tricked by them like i did. Thank you for all your comments.


Have you paid anything towards what they say you owe them? If not just ignore them.

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Appeal to their self-interest (which is probably the only interest they have). Suggest to them that it is in the public interest for you to expose them for the evil scum-bag rip-off merchants they are. That you should shout it far and wide. Tell everyone and make every endevour possible to sully their reputation (which is naturally, a valuable asset to them).


It's your duty to destroy them, feel no remorse in doing so, because they are basically shafting you (and probably countless others) with their scam.

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Ask them to provide a signed copy of the contract along with an invoice.


If they can't do that, you have no agreement with them. Verbal contracts are not binding in this country.


Plus I've learned that salespeople will say anything to get their sale - even downright lying to you. Just so long as they fill their quota...

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As with the above post, send them an email every five minutes asking if they have sent the contract and invoice yet, and can they also send a written letter to confirm they have received each email.

Do this for a few hours, have some fun.

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When i asked for the recorded phone call he said they don't record all of them. I have sent them a letter and am waiting for there reply then i am going to go to trading standards. Thank you for your advise.


In that case you are clear of them.

They do record their calls but don't always admit it.


If you are correct as to what the sale bod said you are fine.

If you are wrong they will find they did have a recording after all.


If they won't produce the recording you can tell them to get lost anyway as they have no proof of a contract and therefore nothing to go to court with.


One bit of advice. Don't trust any bugger in business. There are no friends and you have no family. Business deals are just that.

Paperwork and proof. That way no sod screws you and if they try you just tell them to take a running jump.

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If you refuse to pay them any money what are they going to do? From what you've said, they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. I've got a yell.com advert as well. A sales rep told me it gets a 160 hits a week, but I don't believe that for a second, because I get sod all calls off it. Most the calls I do get are from their reps trying to squeeze more money out of me.

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