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Do you believe in ghosts, mediums, ouija boards and all things spooky?

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There is a physical world, and its properties and entities can be tested by experiment.

If we set out to demonstrate a piece of steel being moved by a magnet, we can show it, despite the mental attitude of those watching.


It is impossible to disprove that there is a spiritual world, in which such entities as fairies and demons exist; they, of course, will not manifest before sceptics, and cannot be made to act on order, as physical phenomena can.

To say we must accept because we cannot disprove does indeed take us back to the "purple elephant" theory, or to the "Monday morning" theory that we cannot disprove the world's creation at 0800 GMT on Monday last by a Trickster God who planted false memories and false fossils to deceive us


I feel the danger of ouija boards, tarot cards and the like is that we begin to believe in them, and some unscrupulous people then lead us on to self-destructive thoughts .


To me, there are no demons, ghosts or fairies; they don't exist!

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There is a physical world, and its properties and entities can be tested by experiment.

If we set out to demonstrate a piece of steel being moved by a magnet, we can show it, despite the mental attitude of those watching.


It is impossible to disprove that there is a spiritual world, in which such entities as fairies and demons exist; they, of course, will not manifest before sceptics, and cannot be made to act on order, as physical phenomena can.

To say we must accept because we cannot disprove does indeed take us back to the "purple elephant" theory, or to the "Monday morning" theory that we cannot disprove the world's creation at 0800 GMT on Monday last by a Trickster God who planted false memories and false fossils to deceive us


I feel the danger of ouija boards, tarot cards and the like is that we begin to believe in them, and some unscrupulous people then lead us on to self-destructive thoughts .


To me, there are no demons, ghosts or fairies; they don't exist!


Well said my fishy friend.

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I believe in ghosts, but not these who medium shows.


Predicting that all ghosts will assault you are evil.

The only TV show that i actually enjoy watching that involves ghosts is


Ghost Hunters aka "Tick" is it? userly on live, where they try to disprove the place is haunted instead of seeing an orb and saying it's actually haunted, could always be dust.

Mostly believe in pressence our old house just didn't seem right and I woke up one night too a face.... but that coulda just been my tired eyes, plus wasn't wearing my glasses so I cant be sure.

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It would seem that practically every other person on this thread has a personal story like this about a remarkably accurate medium who couldn't possibly have know the information they gave to whoever it was. Why aren't these mediums coming forward and making loads and loads of money from this?


It makes so little sense that the only people they can ever convince are those grieving for a loved one.


Encourage this medium to write to James Randi, he/she could make $1,000,0000 for about an hours work!



Perhaps these are people who, like others have talents which they do not use in the rat race of life. Along with the many other talented people they may lack the courage needed to sell themselves to a cynical world or do not have the drive that spurs others to the top.

I don't think it's a loved one who is always mourned, in this case it was fear of the future.



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Perhaps these are people who, like others have talents which they do not use in the rat race of life. Along with the many other talented people they may lack the courage needed to sell themselves to a cynical world or do not have the drive that spurs others to the top.


You're defense appears to be 'they are to honest to do it for money' which I say is untrue. A great many mediums make a great deal of money from gullible people accross the globe.


Then why not just win the James Randi Prize to prove naysayers like me wrong and then they can donate the $million to some ghost hunting organisation or a real charity.


OK, pretty much all mediums have succeeded in convincing some people to the same level that you have been convinced by a/a few mediums. Literally thousands of people have done this. They certainly aren't all generous people who wouldn't want to make money from this, in fact many of them do make vast amounts of money from this. Why haven't these ones gone forward and accepted the challenge? It would only take about an hour and they could be a million dollars richer.


I don't think it's a loved one who is always mourned, in this case it was fear of the future.
Not always, but the vast majority of the time the audience members who are the most convinced are the ones who are emotionally vulnerable and have come to see the medium because they were hoping to talk to a recently deceased friend or relative. As a result they would almost certainly behave with confirmational bias as well, they want to believe the medium is talking to their grandfather or whatever, so their mind convinces them that they are.
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I was not really defending anyone because I know that the bereaved can so easily be taken advantage of, clutching at straws to keep their loved ones with them. I agree with you that this is a despicable way to obtain money preying on the most vunerable.

I am also the last person to believe this what I have called in the past, claptrap but I can only repeat what I heard, no dead involved just a belief for one person that her future could get better.


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I do believe in that there are some things out there- like some mediums/ fortune tellers can have real gifts, but finding genuine ones are a different story.

There are a lot of people who are good at reading people and their body language and facial expressions. People give more away then they realise.

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