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Pantry and Larder - What is the difference?

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Whats the difference between a pantry and a larder?

is one an older saying than the other?

or one bigger than the other?, when i was young we used to say both, and ours was just a walk in cupboard with a cold shelf,

is there a difference?

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Originally posted by redrobbo

When I was a kid, and we lived in a post-war council house, we had a walk-in pantry.


Larders were what folk who lived in posh houses had.

it must have been a pantry then, as i come from the wybourn, inuf said

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coyley, we had a pantry,with a cold slab,a coalhouse and a lavy,we were posh cause we had a nail on the lavs door with newspapers my sister and myself used to cut into squares,we were posher than you lot on the wybourn:clap: i came off the arbourthorne:hihi: :hihi:

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Originally posted by roughy101

coyley, we had a pantry,with a cold slab,a coalhouse and a lavy,we were posh cause we had a nail on the lavs door with newspapers my sister and myself used to cut into squares,we were posher than you lot on the wybourn:clap: i came off the arbourthorne:hihi: :hihi:

I bet it was an indoor lavy, well ours was down yard, we had to keep a candel burning all night, 1 to stop the closit freezing and 2 so my dad could find his way home from pub

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If they didnt use newspaper on the wybourn what on earth did they use:confused: the mind boggles.:loopy: Telegraph and stars wot we had...used to sit and read it first:loopy: :loopy::hihi: ooo is it cos they couldent read on Wybourn:heyhey:

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Originally posted by burnttoast

...used to sit and read it first:loopy:.......


You mean we were supposed to read it first !!!!!


We had 5"x5" squares of the Green 'Un. (except when we had company, then it was ten bob notes), and we'd choose the pieces with the opposition's players on to use.:thumbsup:

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