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Pantry and Larder - What is the difference?

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Originally posted by roughy101

our lav was in the porch at the side of the coalhouse,still freezing cold and yes we also had a jerry under the bed anyone know why they called it a jerry:gag:

I think because it looked like a WW2 german helmet

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  • 5 years later...

we had a bucket at the top of the stairs just for number 1s and a tin bath many a time walked in to find my dad washing the coal dust off after a shift down the pit. in front of the yorkshire range.

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As far as I am aware a pantry is a walk in cupboard and a larder is a type of cool box.


I think you're spot on, lived in Leicester for a while and we had both house around the 30s??

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Having a second think could larder come from the days before fridg'when the pigs lard had to be kept in a cool dark place for the harsh winter realy same as a root cell ?often dug into somewere cool and dark to keep your spuds in ,also think pantry was walk in for dry goods

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Having a second think could larder come from the days before fridg'when the pigs lard had to be kept in a cool dark place for the harsh winter realy same as a root cell ?often dug into somewere cool and dark to keep your spuds in ,also think pantry was walk in for dry goods


And thats where you kept the drippin pot.

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Whats the difference between a pantry and a larder?

is one an older saying than the other?

or one bigger than the other?, when i was young we used to say both, and ours was just a walk in cupboard with a cold shelf,

is there a difference?


On is for dry goods and the other is cold and for fresh goods.


Is my guess.

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We like it, our other room is HERE


Those pictures brought back loads of memories of visiting the museum in York,are the rooms still there? I visit York alot but usually just see the shops and the pubs these days!! :)

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Those pictures brought back loads of memories of visiting the museum in York,are the rooms still there? I visit York alot but usually just see the shops and the pubs these days!! :)


I still have our old biscuit barrel just like the one in the pict :)

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