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Concorde - Keep it flying

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Its a great loss,the most beautiful plane in the world in my eyes.

From what i've heard/seen/read a replacement would just cost far to much to develop, so it looks like were stuck with subsonic flight for some years to come.

So much for advances in technology. :(

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Originally posted by Lickszz

One of my ambitions was to take a trip on Concorde, but I never got the chance. Has anyone else had this experience? Should Concorde have been grounded? I have always had a soft spot for the plane and think it's a remarkable engineering achievement. Branson wants to continue flying some, should he be allowed or is it time to put this beauty to rest?


I'd like to see a couple of them kept in flying condition just like we have Spitfires, Lancasters and Vulcans. They can canibalise the fleet to stockpile the vital parts and make static displays out of the rest perhaps.


There is only one Lancaster is flying condition in thsi country, and one which is able to taxi - but it would cost millions to bring it back to flying condition. There is one more Lancaster flying in Canada


There are no Vulcans in flying condition, although there is one being restored, hopefully to flying condition. See Vulcan


Concorde is a beautiful aircraft, ahead of its time. Lets hope that people aren't short sighted enough to ground them all forever - and have to run some kind of appeal to restore one in 20 years time. They must keep a couple in flying condition for special occasions and air shows, just to keep the dream alive!

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Getting rid of concorde is a backwards step in technology. The fastest 'planes we have now are about the same as those we had 50 years ago. This is an area we need to develop if we want to live in a truly global community. Yesterday was a step back for technology, lets hope that soon we will have a replacement and 'planes can be developed to go even faster.

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Originally posted by Lickszz

True to a certain extent but also a toy that the working class can somehow relate to.


As in their base adulation of the 'rich and famous' - pipe dreams.


Give me a sleek beautiful ship any day - room to move, time to relax, and a chance 'to get away from it all'.:)

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I'm pretty sure we haven't seen the last of Concorde. It is too much of a money spinner for airshows and the like. It's whether BA will stop being so selfish and keeping them to themselves.


So what if Branson runs them at a loss - they would still be flying. In all the news stories of this past week, BA have said the only reason for decommissioning is due to economics. The airworthiness of them hasn't once been mentioned.

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Originally posted by alchresearch

In all the news stories of this past week, BA have said the only reason for decommissioning is due to economics. The airworthiness of them hasn't once been mentioned.


Some believe that it's the US indirectly blocking French products which has something to do with Concorde - a joint british/french company causing it to go bust because France did not support the Iraq coalition.

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