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Men going topless in Public

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There is a time and place for it, that is all, not walking around a supermarket. I can't understand why anyone would want too. And I think the majority of people would agree.


Would you sit in an upmarket restaurant with you top off? You don't have to have some decent rational for not doing it, you just don't do it, unless you're a chav of course with some fresh tatts to show off..........

Edited by verona
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There is a time and place for it, that is all, not walking around a supermarket. I can't understand why anyone would want too. And I think the majority of people would agree.


Would you sit in an upmarket restaurant with you top off? You don't have to have some decent rational for not doing it, you just don't do it, unless you're a chav of course with some fresh tatts to show off..........


I have already replied to this thread , but , because I agree wholeheartedly with your post I felt I should reiterate , I am a naturist , I use naturist resorts / beaches all around the place , I would love to generally be allowed to walk around naked ( weather permitting ) , without anyone being offended , but , I would never walk around "topless" in this country out of respect of other peoples feelings . Even in a naturist resort I would never enter a restaurant topless .

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If it was up to some of you liberal exhibitionists with your let it all hang out attitude, more of us of all ages and shapes and sizes would be walking around half naked in public, what a dreadful sight that would be.


That's probably it, isn't it. Most of those whining about topless men are basically in bad shape and ashamed to be see topless themselves, so they don't want those of us who aren't ashamed of our bodies to be enjoying getting some sun on our skin.
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That's probably it, isn't it. Most of those whining about topless men are basically in bad shape and ashamed to be see topless themselves, so they don't want those of us who aren't ashamed of our bodies to be enjoying getting some sun on our skin.
I've got a massive schlong that I'm not ashamed of. I've often wanted to get it out in public to "get some sun on it". I never have done though.


Because to me manners and consideration for others is more important than massaging my ego.

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I've got a massive schlong that I'm not ashamed of. I've often wanted to get it out in public to "get some sun on it". I never have done though.


Because to me manners and consideration for others is more important than massaging my ego.

I'm quite considerate and I've got good manners.


But I don't pander to the irrational prejudices of others. If some small-minded individuals have a problem with the way I dress, my tattoos, or the fact that I take my top off in hot sun, then it is indeed their problem.

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That's probably it, isn't it. Most of those whining about topless men are basically in bad shape and ashamed to be see topless themselves, so they don't want those of us who aren't ashamed of our bodies to be enjoying getting some sun on our skin.
They're are plenty of places to get the sun on your skin, without walking around topless in supermarkets and around shopping areas.


If you must parade about showing off what you appear to consider is a great body that everyone needs to see, go and sunbathe in a park, Sheffield has enough of them. :)

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If you must parade about showing off what you appear to consider is a great body that everyone needs to see.....


You're being disingenious. I've previously given my reasons for going topless-


I've been walking around topless quite a bit this year. Partly cos i have very pale skin that rarely tans and I'm finding that going about my business without a shirt definitly helps with that.


Partly cos I'm into health/good diet etc, and sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, which many studies are showing we are often deficient in (probably due to the amount of chemical sun protection we now use, and yes, I am somewhat sceptical about the skin cancer hype, especially with vitamin D deficiency being a possible cause of cancer).


But mainly cos it just feels really good- in hot bright weather it's a natural thing to shed the shirt- just not pleasant to have a hot sweaty bit of cloth on.


Fact is, the 2 main reasons, IMO, that people don't go topless in stunningly hot weather, is that they're either ashamed of their bodies (I'm not), or they're scared by what other people 'think' (I'm not).


It's sad that other people feel negative/aggressive/insulted by my choice to expose my flesh to the rays of mother Sol, but, if they have a problem with it, i do see it as their problem (as opposed to mine).


If anyone can come up with a some decent rational reasons why I should cover up, then I am of course, ready to listen.


(I do always have a t-shirt ready for if I go in supermarkets/shops, not because I think it's an issue, but purely cos I can't be bothered with the inevitable hassle).


I do feel very comfortable with my body- I'm in good shape: but I certainly don't go topless because, as you seem to be claiming, I want to show off or impress other people. I'm very aware of how nasty, vindictive and full of prejudice other peoples minds can be when faced with anything that goes against their fixed ideas of how things should be done- for that reason I'm aware that they won't be at all impressed.


I'm dissapointed that you've fallen to the trolling level- if that's all you've got, I'll cease to engage with your posts on this topic. If you do feel able to quibble with any of my above reasons in a rational way though, I'll happily respond.

They're are plenty of places to get the sun on your skin, without walking around topless in supermarkets and around shopping areas.


I'm extremely white and pale skinned. I do not have time available to lay in parks sunbathing to the extent that I would aquire either the protective tan necessary, or, the levels of vitamin D, than I can get going about my daily business topless/cycling topless etc.


As I've now said about 10 times, I DO NOT GO TOPLESS IN SUPERMARKETS

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I do feel very comfortable with my body- I'm in good shape: but I certainly don't go topless because, as you seem to be claiming, I want to show off or impress other people. I'm very aware of how nasty, vindictive and full of prejudice other peoples minds can be when faced with anything that goes against their fixed ideas of how things should be done- for that reason I'm aware that they won't be at all impressed.


I'm dissapointed that you've fallen to the trolling level- if that's all you've got, I'll cease to engage with your posts on this topic.If you do feel able to quibble with any of my above reasons in a rational way though, I'll happily respond.

I'm extremely white and pale skinned. I do not have time available to lay in parks sunbathing to the extent that I would aquire either the protective tan necessary, or, the levels of vitamin D, than I can get going about my daily business topless/cycling topless etc.


As I've now said about 10 times, I DO NOT GO TOPLESS IN SUPERMARKETS

You're sounding untypically "shirty" today, no need for that.


Though admittedly the response was inevitable in view of my last comment, which wasn't meant to offend or be taken quite so seriously.

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