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Men going topless in Public

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You're sounding untypically "shirty" today, no need for that.


Though admittedly the response was inevitable in view of my last comment, which wasn't meant to offend or be taken quite so seriously.


I'm aspergic Janie- 'normals' frequently perceive aspergics as taking things 'too seriously'. :)


The truth is, I've given damned good reasons why I go topless, asked people who object to address them, and had not one single rational objection to them, or even an attempt to address them.


That's on a 16 page thread full of insinuation and insult saying that men who go topless anywhere but a beach are undignified, rude, uncaring of the feelings of others, dirty, sweaty, fat, thin and a whole host of other non-rational prejudice based insults.


NOT ONE ATTEMPT to address the perfectly valid justifications I put forward for taking off my shirt.


Does that give you some indication of how frustrating it is trying to communicate with you people?


No wonder human history is littered with slavery, racism, witch hunts and slaughter of those whose only crime is to be different.


Do you not realise that irrational prejudice on a small scale (i.e. a man not wearing his shirt on a sunny day) can only facilitate the irrational polarisation that leads to the big prejudices?

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They're are plenty of places to get the sun on your skin, without walking around topless in supermarkets and around shopping areas.


If you must parade about showing off what you appear to consider is a great body that everyone needs to see, go and sunbathe in a park, Sheffield has enough of them. :)


I don't think he's said anywhere that he walks round in supermarkets with his top off, has he?

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I don't think he's said anywhere that he walks round in supermarkets with his top off, has he?


Thank you. :)


At last, someone who actually reads my posts :)


You're 100% right- in fact I've stated clearly around 10 times that I do not go topless in supermarkets.


(not cos I think it's wrong, but purely cos I don't want the inevitable hassle).

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Thank you. :)


At last, someone who actually reads my posts :)


You're 100% right- in fact I've stated clearly around 10 times that I do not go topless in supermarkets.


(not cos I think it's wrong, but purely cos I don't want the inevitable hassle).

Which places, if any, do you think it is unacceptable to go topless?



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Which places, if any, do you think it is unacceptable to go topless?




Personally, I wouldn't go topless in any shops, or city centres. I'd keep it restricted to parks, gardens, beaches or holiday resorts.


Again, purely for the same reasons Dave has described.

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I'm aspergic Janie- 'normals' frequently perceive aspergics as taking things 'too seriously'. :)


The truth is, I've given damned good reasons why I go topless, asked people who object to address them, and had not one single rational objection to them, or even an attempt to address them.


That's on a 16 page thread full of insinuation and insult saying that men who go topless anywhere but a beach are undignified, rude, uncaring of the feelings of others, dirty, sweaty, fat, thin and a whole host of other non-rational prejudice based insults.


NOT ONE ATTEMPT to address the perfectly valid justifications I put forward for taking off my shirt.


Does that give you some indication of how frustrating it is trying to communicate with you people?


No wonder human history is littered with slavery, racism, witch hunts and slaughter of those whose only crime is to be different.


Do you not realise that irrational prejudice on a small scale (i.e. a man not wearing his shirt on a sunny day) can only facilitate the irrational polarisation that leads to the big prejudices?


To extend your argument though, there is no good reason to require that anyone where any clothes in public.


And indeed there are people that think this. (And I can see there logic, I don't personally want to wander around naked, but I think we should be free to do so).


The law however, which in theory is based on the wants and needs of society disagrees and defines exposure of various parts of our body as being indecent and a crime.


As I alluded to several times, this is a hangover from the Victorian period.


Victorian prudery sometimes went so far as to deem it improper to say "leg" in formal company; instead, the preferred euphemism “limb” was used. Those going for a swim in the sea at the beach would use a bathing machine

Clearly things have become more liberal since then, but we still have issues with sex, nudity and so on that are less extreme in most of the rest of Europe.

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Which places, if any, do you think it is unacceptable to go topless?




None- there's nothing wrong with the human body.


However, there are places I personally wouldn't go topless, including supermarkets, schools, cetain places with muslim communities, public transport etc.


Again, not because I think it's wrong, but because it would attract hassle and possibly violence.


Pretty much the same reasons I wouldn't, were I a black man, wander into a ku-klux-klan meeting- not cos it's wrong, but because it would lead to trouble.


---------- Post added 16-07-2014 at 12:54 ----------


To extend your argument though, there is no good reason to require that anyone where any clothes in public.


I agree. I think people should be free to wander around naked. i think were that allowed, and, more common, a lot of our societies body issues and prejudices would be helped.


---------- Post added 16-07-2014 at 12:57 ----------


The law however, which in theory is based on the wants and needs of society disagrees and defines exposure of various parts of our body as being indecent and a crime.


No. The law, in this instance, is based on rubbish, prejudice and hypocrasy. No parts of the human body are indecent.


I personally don't walk around naked, again, it would just attract prejudice, trouble, violence and imprisonment- I don't consider it wrong.

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[/color]No. The law, in this instance, is based on rubbish, prejudice and hypocrasy. No parts of the human body are indecent.

Quite clearly a lot of people don't agree with you. So I'll repeat, the law is based on the wants and needs of society.

I don't happen to agree with it, you don't agree with it. But you've now been given a reason (if not a good one) why people don't think we should walk around without wearing a shirt.

I happen to think that they're misguided and that with a bit of though and discussion they might change their mind. But telling that that they are being prejudiced or hypocritical won't help you convince them.

I personally don't walk around naked, again, it would just attract prejudice, trouble, violence and imprisonment- I don't consider it wrong.


I don't even WANT to walk around naked, but I think that the law should allow it. To prescribe what people must and must not wear is not something the state should be involved in.

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I nipped down to tescos today and on the walk down took off the shirt to soak up some rays and ensure that my shirt didn't get sweaty.


Put the shirt on to go in and get the shopping (not cos it's wrong to go topless in the supermarkets, but cos I don't need the hassle that would ensue).


Came out- shirt straight off again, and, you know what- the thought hit me that 'this is f***ing fantastic! :)


In all that light and heat, I'm feeling fresh, not sweaty, I'm getting my vitamin D and basically feeling just great.


Felt a bit sorry for all those people not able to enjoy the feeling, cos they're scared of what others might judge them as being, or ashamed of their own bodies, or of such a mind that they actually believe the prejudices themselves.


As I looked around it seemed utterly bizarre, that, in this weather, all the men were in tshirts, sweating away, probably feeling hot and grotty.


What a bizarre world we live in.


I got officially dignosed as aspergic this monday. It's been tough living in the world of 'normals' and their irrational prejudices for 47 years, without knowing what I was.


But now I do know, and, I realise that our culture seemed insane, cos it is.


And now, I'm free of it- I can see clearly and rationally in a way that few 'normals' ever can.


And so, being shirtless in the hot son, as well feeling great, has become an expression of my new found freedom- freedom from your bizarre insecurities and prejudices.


Anyone else sick of the b*****t- join me, strip of your shirt and feel the rays of mother Sol: if anyone's got a problem with it, realise, it is their problem, leave them to fester in their own prejudices.

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