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Men going topless in Public

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Quite clearly a lot of people don't agree with you. So I'll repeat, the law is based on the wants and needs of society.

I don't happen to agree with it, you don't agree with it. But you've now been given a reason (if not a good one) why people don't think we should walk around without wearing a shirt.

I happen to think that they're misguided and that with a bit of though and discussion they might change their mind. But telling that that they are being prejudiced or hypocritical won't help you convince them.


I don't even WANT to walk around naked, but I think that the law should allow it. To prescribe what people must and must not wear is not something the state should be involved in.


OK- I'll grant you, it is an attempt at an actual reason.


But, like I said before, i disagree with your premise that "the law is based on the wants and needs of society" as I believe it's based on rubbish, prejudice and b******t :)


I have zero respect for stupid laws, hence why I oppose our bizarre drug laws etc.


But, it is a reason: well done, one actual rational argument in a 17 page thread ;)


albeit, a reason that you appear to reject yourself?

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I nipped down to tescos today and on the walk down took off the shirt to soak up some rays and ensure that my shirt didn't get sweaty.


Put the shirt on to go in and get the shopping (not cos it's wrong to go topless in the supermarkets, but cos I don't need the hassle that would ensue).


Came out- shirt straight off again, and, you know what- the thought hit me that 'this is f***ing fantastic! :)


In all that light and heat, I'm feeling fresh, not sweaty, I'm getting my vitamin D and basically feeling just great.


Felt a bit sorry for all those people not able to enjoy the feeling, cos they're scared of what others might judge them as being, or ashamed of their own bodies, or of such a mind that they actually believe the prejudices themselves.


As I looked around it seemed utterly bizarre, that, in this weather, all the men were in tshirts, sweating away, probably feeling hot and grotty.


What a bizarre world we live in.


I got officially dignosed as aspergic this monday. It's been tough living in the world of 'normals' and their irrational prejudices for 47 years, without knowing what I was.


But now I do know, and, I realise that our culture seemed insane, cos it is.


And now, I'm free of it- I can see clearly and rationally in a way that few 'normals' ever can.


And so, being shirtless in the hot son, as well feeling great, has become an expression of my new found freedom- freedom from your bizarre insecurities and prejudices.


Anyone else sick of the b*****t- join me, strip of your shirt and feel the rays of mother Sol: if anyone's got a problem with it, realise, it is their problem, leave them to fester in their own prejudices.


I'm coming round to your way of thinking! Its already boiling in our office today, supposed to be close to 30 degrees on Friday apparently. Instead of dressed down fridays they should bring in Speedos friday!

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If other men walking around topless offends you then you're a homophobe.


Now that's pretty special logic. You have an irrational fear of gay people if you don't like the site of topless men and you are a man? :hihi:


---------- Post added 16-07-2014 at 14:07 ----------



In all that light and heat, I'm feeling fresh, not sweaty, I'm getting my vitamin D and basically feeling just great.

I doubt that a t-shirt would stop you producing Vit D. They protect all that much from strong sunlight, you can still burn through them.


Felt a bit sorry for all those people not able to enjoy the feeling, cos they're scared of what others might judge them as being, or ashamed of their own bodies, or of such a mind that they actually believe the prejudices themselves.


As I looked around it seemed utterly bizarre, that, in this weather, all the men were in tshirts, sweating away, probably feeling hot and grotty.

And I doubt it makes that much difference. T-shirts are pretty light weight.


What a bizarre world we live in.


I got officially dignosed as aspergic this monday. It's been tough living in the world of 'normals' and their irrational prejudices for 47 years, without knowing what I was.


But now I do know, and, I realise that our culture seemed insane, cos it is.


And now, I'm free of it- I can see clearly and rationally in a way that few 'normals' ever can.

Is that what aspergers does, lets you see clearly...

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off at a tangent, but why is it when it's boiling do a high proportion of convertible car drivers drive with the roof up. In winter it's roofs down and scarves on. Is there a good reason or is it just an attempt to rebel against the expected?

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OK- I'll grant you, it is an attempt at an actual reason.


But, like I said before, i disagree with your premise that "the law is based on the wants and needs of society" as I believe it's based on rubbish, prejudice and b******t :)

It's certainly outdated and I don't agree with it.

But a lot of public decency type laws have been around for 100+ years and are based on Victorian morality.


albeit, a reason that you appear to reject yourself?


I don't agree with the basic premise on which the law is based. Flesh and our bodies are not immoral.

But I understand how some people get hung up on this sort of rubbish.

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OT I know

is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

So possibly not understand the societal norms that mean some people expect you to keep your clothes on in the street?

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I doubt that a t-shirt would stop you producing Vit D. They protect all that much from strong sunlight, you can still burn through them.

And I doubt it makes that much difference. T-shirts are pretty light weight.


makes a big difference- I always used to burn harshly round the exposed neck area, especially at the back- never was anything but pale and white on the parts covered with a t-shirt.


For that reason, I'm saying t-shirts do block vitamin D.



Is that what aspergers does, lets you see clearly...

It's part of it. High functioning autistics/aspergics are provenly better at rationality than non-aspies.


They're rubbish at grasping many social based communication aspects. I suspect that maybe though, it's that very processing power possessed by normals that interferes when looking at situations/problems purely rationally- they can't switch it off.


It would explain why so many otherwise intelligent non-aspies come out with the rubbish they do :)

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I think Dave has a glandular problem if he's sweating that much in 22c that he needs to take his shirt off to cool down.


If other men walking around topless offends you then you're a homophobe.
If other men looked like Luke Rockhold (don't google him girls, it will upset your sleep patterns!!) does when he's topless I'd turn gay. But they don't. Despite what they might think.
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