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Men going topless in Public

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make your mind up.


Perhaps I should have spelt it out that I have no problem with flesh a) on the beach; b) at a swimming pool; c) sunbathing in the park, etc., etc. I can have no problem but still be unappreciative of it in what some of us consider inappropriate settings - like supermarkets, public transport, cafes etc.


Sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm not very good at the minutiae when it comes to discussion or argument.


Again, I'll use fareast's term 'aesthetics'. Some of us like things to be aesthetically pleasing, others obviously don't give a stuff.

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If you like. I don't consider myself puritanical, pretty liberal about lots of things. However, respect for other people encourages me, and many others to consider what's appropriate for the location - not necessarily a Victorian upbringing, just a modicum of awareness. Oh yes, and the occasional glance in the mirror.

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Conversely [ with the above proviso !] , I've noticed that people with strong , interesting personalities seem to wear the most ordinary clothes-----as though they've no need to say , " Look at me ".

Anyone else found this to be true in their lives ?


I assume you wear ordinary clothes, and are therefore deep and interesting ?

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As far as the whole question of how much flesh to show and in what setting it is shown , I think " society " has to decide on the following point .

Assuming we are opposed to the freedom to go naked absolutely anywhere , it means we have to go through the painful process of " drawing lines ".

I don't want to speak for Macbeth [or others ] but I guess what people are really arguing about is exactly where to draw the elusive line ? What seems aesthetically pleasing and what looks ugly ? Are some people exhibitionists or merely sun lovers ? Are some people inhibited and jealous of the flesh-barers ?

I guess this is one of those arguments that will go on for ever .Is Rome more beautiful than Tinsley ? I suppose most people would say so , although some people would say Tinsley just as some like looking at wobbly , sweaty flesh in supermarkets .

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