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Migrant crime toll rising

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In the same way that so called minor driving offences ( no tax, insurance, not wearing seat belts ) are often an indicator of the person being involved in other illegal activities ( drink driving , drugs , speeding ,car theft , burgulary etc) then a similar approach could be applied to immigrant crime. It is probable that the perpertrator ( if an illegal) has committed other crimes in his travels to get to this country. Getting into this country illegally is a crime isn't it? Once conditioned to commit a crime or two a few more probably won't worry him too much.

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Well, your definition of the term 'pro rata' is different to mine. My definition, which is likely to be confirmed by any dictionary you consult, us that it means in proportion to something. The overall crime rate of foreigners is clearly disproportionate to the indigenous crime rate, if the prison population is used as an indicator.


As for effective measures to cope with this problem, there are several things which could be done. Firstly, we could introduce more effective immigration controls, to end for example the various abuses associated with our asylum and refugee policies; secondly, we could introduce tougher policies in relation to the deportation of criminals found guilty of serious offences (very few of these are actually deported); thirdly, we could introduce more rigorous scrutiny of worker migrants (with background checks of the kind I was required to undertake when I applied to work in the US); we could also crack down on illegal immigration in various ways. Where there is a will there is a way. Unfortunately the Labour government has never had the will to introduce effective immigration controls.


But I think that's a problematic thing to do. Trying to extrapolate from 83,000 people to a population of about 65 million is difficult. You can't assume with certainty that the presence of 12,000 foreign-born prisoners indicates a statistically significantly higher offending rate for the entire foreign-born population of the UK. It might do, it might not. To find out, you'd need to look at overall offending rather than offending which leads to imprisonment.


Can you supply a link please for the 12,000 figure, by the way?

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