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Which public figures do you literally hate the sight of?

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Right, if we are talking people being rounded up in dawn raids and bundled onto lorries at gunpoint, never to be heard of again; Mugabe and Jong Un ( despots who have brought untold misery to millions), Evans ( killed morning radio for millions), Abbott and Bercow ( smug, arrogant, condescending and stupid. I think Jimmy Carr would have to join them too purely for being so irksome.

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Basically anyone who personally thrives and profits through activity that is detrimental to other people; especially if they are aware of the negative impact they have on others, but just don't care, so long as they're riding high!


Leaders of, or elebrity endorsers of, cult like organisations are a good example of this.

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I was inspired to start this thread by the picture of one of these people on the front page of my morning paper today. Anyway, in no particular order:


Tony and Cherie Blair

Kenneth Clarke

Geoff Hoon

Peter Mandelson

Nikolas Sarkozy

Hazel Blears

Harriet Harman

Fidel Castro

Eric Hobsbawm

John McCain

Bill Kristol

Charles Krauthammer

Glenn Beck

All other neo-cons on Fox News

Nick Clegg


Bob Geldoff

Shami Chakrabarti

Michael Parkinson

Eddie Izzard

Hugo Young

Arthur Scargill

Ken Livingstone

Mikhail Shakashvili

Harry Hill

Abu Hamza

Abu Katada

Benjamin Netanyahu

President Gaddafi

Robert Mugabe

Ken Loach

Michael Moore

Polly Toynbee

Christiane Amanpour

Victoria Beckham

Jane Fonda

Mick Hucknall


I am sure I could, with a little more thought, add other names to the list.


Even though this post is 8 years old, I have to agree with the names given, they all deserve a slap with a wet kipper.



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James Corden see below


Priti Patel, Ian Duncan Smith ( wants to tighten up on “ scroungers” but claimed 38£ for a breakfast on expenses), David Davies, Farage,


Jacob Rees Mogg, Branson, Isabel Oakshott, Douglas Murray,


Victoria Koren, David Dimbleby, Netanyahu,


David Cameron, Tony Blair,


James Corden, talentless buffoon, in love with himself


Vince Cable, Chukka Umunna, Angela Eagle, , John Mann, Hilary Benn, Chris Lesley ( politician), Tom Watson, Peter Mandelson, Hazel Blears,


---------- Post added 07-11-2017 at 12:13 ----------


Emmanuel Macron,


Francois Fillon,


Penny Fillon


James Corden


and James Corden,


---------- Post added 07-11-2017 at 12:15 ----------


Basically anyone who personally thrives and profits through activity that is detrimental to other people; especially if they are aware of the negative impact they have on others, but just don't care, so long as they're riding high!


Leaders of, or elebrity endorsers of, cult like organisations are a good example of this.



Think they’re called Psychopaths, complete lack,of empathy


---------- Post added 07-11-2017 at 12:16 ----------


Piers morgan

milo yiannopoulos

katie hopkins

paul joseph watson

richard spencer

gregg wallace

michael gove

phillip hunt

boris johnson

phillip hammond

the Michael family on gogglebox



I think me and thee would get on

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