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Which public figures do you literally hate the sight of?

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Short of nazis and their ilk, and IS and their ilk I'm trying not to hate anybody. It's not good for me. I dislike a lot of people - in fact I dislike most people but I'm trying not say I hate Chris Evans (ginger radio host not captain America) even though I really dislike him and Jeremy vine.

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I was inspired to start this thread by the picture of one of these people on the front page of my morning paper today. Anyway, in no particular order:


Tony and Cherie Blair

Kenneth Clarke

Geoff Hoon

Peter Mandelson

Nikolas Sarkozy

Hazel Blears

Harriet Harman

Fidel Castro

Eric Hobsbawm

John McCain

Bill Kristol

Charles Krauthammer

Glenn Beck

All other neo-cons on Fox News

Nick Clegg


Bob Geldoff

Shami Chakrabarti

Michael Parkinson

Eddie Izzard

Hugo Young

Arthur Scargill

Ken Livingstone

Mikhail Shakashvili

Harry Hill

Abu Hamza

Abu Katada

Benjamin Netanyahu

President Gaddafi

Robert Mugabe

Ken Loach

Michael Moore

Polly Toynbee

Christiane Amanpour

Victoria Beckham

Jane Fonda

Mick Hucknall


I am sure I could, with a little more thought, add other names to the list.




I think that’s quite a good list actually, although Bob is probably unequalled in the nauseating stakes, despite doing some good works.


By leaving Pfeffel off are you just being deleberately provocative ?


---------- Post added 03-11-2017 at 08:55 ----------


Is that some lavatorial humour :D


I guess I can understand and sympathise with a friend's cat that was provoked in to attacking the televison when Thatcher came on. :hihi:



I know a case of a man from Barnsley who used to,urinate on the television screen every time Margaret appeared on it.


His wife was fed up with him :hihi:

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