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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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No, just curious, because to be frank I find it unbelievable. I'm guessing it's psychological, right?


My daughter has a medical condition and due to problems is unable to drink water. Are you offering a cure?


I have no reason to lie. As I have said all the relevant medical information will be supplied to school Which as a matter of fact they already have to hand as she has to have a care plan in school because she is also prone to breathing problems and also in the past has stopped breathing. I will also be getting a back up letter from my GP and Consultant at the Childrens.

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What I want to know is why the big pause?




what with all the excitment in your life you dont need a big pause, shane39 on the other hand .............. ?



why do you consider yourself a better head than the actual headmaster?



where did you train?

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Because the fact that she refuses to drink water is the main problem as I see it. Her medical condition has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone but us. I merely wanted opinions on whether other parents had experienced this or not. Would you like to put all your medical ailments on an open forum???? Thought not.


I truly don't understand your reasoning.


If I was allergic to peanuts and my school (when I was in it ;)) brought in a rule that the only food you could eat were peanuts, I wouldn't be refusing because of the taste, I'd be refusing because of my medical condition.


Water may not be to everyone's tastes, but almost everyone can drink it without problems. Children should not be allowed to dictate that they will not be following a certain rule "because they don't like it".


edited to add: I have asthma - if I moaned about running in PE "because I didn't like it", I would expect to be ridiculed - if I, on the other hand, moaned about running in PE "because it gives me asthma attacks", I would expect that to be given much more consideration. It completely changes the point.

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what with all the excitment in your life you dont need a big pause, shane39 on the other hand .............. ?



why do you consider yourself a better head than the actual headmaster?



where did you train?


That answer just confirmed what I first thought :|

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I truly don't understand your reasoning.


If I was allergic to peanuts and my school (when I was in it ;)) brought in a rule that the only food you could eat were peanuts, I wouldn't be refusing because of the taste, I'd be refusing because of my medical condition.


Water may not be to everyone's tastes, but almost everyone can drink it without problems. Children should not be allowed to dictate that they will not be following a certain rule "because they don't like it".


My reasoning is that my daughter will not drink water because she knows what the end results will be. She is not allergic to water itself or we would have problems but it does cause problems. Just to pacify everyone else are you telling me that she should be made to vomit at the dinner table everyday at school? I'm sure I'd be getting an altogether different letter then. It is not a case of not liking it if it were that simple she would have to drink it and have done. I do not see a problem in flavouring the water to take away the metallic taste and as I have said I will continue to flavour her water to avoid her embarrassment and also save the school a lot of cleaning up at lunchtimes.

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My reasoning is that my daughter will not drink water because she knows what the end results will be. She is not allergic to water itself or we would have problems but it does cause problems. Just to pacify everyone else are you telling me that she should be made to vomit at the dinner table everyday at school? I'm sure I'd be getting an altogether different letter then. It is not a case of not liking it if it were that simple she would have to drink it and have done. I do not see a problem in flavouring the water to take away the metallic taste and as I have said I will continue to flavour her water to avoid her embarrassment and also save the school a lot of cleaning up at lunchtimes.


Which is what I was getting at. It completely changes the argument, your OP made it look like she was refusing on taste grounds.


edit: As I've already said once, if that's the case then I have no problems with it, of course I wouldn't want to force her to drink water if it will make her sick.

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Which is what I was getting at. It completely changes the argument, your OP made it look like she was refusing on taste grounds.


edit: As I've already said once, if that's the case then I have no problems with it, of course I wouldn't want to force her to drink water if it will make her sick.


No read my post again it said she point blank refuses to drink it and that by adding a touch of flavour she is able to drink it. I didn't say she refuses on taste grounds you have just assumed this. Sorry

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