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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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Thanks to all the people for their interesting, helpful and supportive comments. I understand that there is a difference between dislike and unable. Will let you know the results of tomorrows discussions with the head if she ever gets in touch.


(Notice there is no place for you in this post Saxondale - sweet dreams irritating one).

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Eek, when i was at school we had to have water in clear bottles or NOTHING..

I tried the flavoured water & so did other people, however, the teachers shook them up

and they fizz :( so sometimes it dont work..

On about water, I like it from my tap and round where i live, however if i travel up to the otherside of sheffield i cant stand the stuff.. all to do with limescale :) x

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Why is everyone so adamant that you must back the school up all the time? They want to turn our children into little robots who will do what ever the latest government objective is this week and never question authority, baaaaa baaaaa.


I was force fed rice pudding at school and even now the smell of it makes me puke. :gag:


Like some one said earlier they are taking more and more of parents rights away and it's ridiculous. It would be reasonable to limit fizzy pop but the totally ban healthier options is ridiculous, they should enforce the ban in the staff room too if that is the case.


Children have rights too, yes they should be taught respect and discipline, but they shouldn't be treated as if they are prisoners. What's all this crap about not being allowed home for dinner? Why the hell not?


Long live home education!!!!!

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Children will survive with out juice and will be fine with just water but should they have too?


Its a school. They spend the majority of their day there. There are very few adults that would tolerate the same situation so why is it ok for children? All they want is a drink of juice. Yes it may contain a bit of the evil sugar but I think we are missing reality. Very few children will get hyper from dilute juice. Yes the odd child but a rarity to say the least. I think it is healthier to encourage children to drink more whether that be juice or water but then they cant encourage that as they may need the bog during class time.


A good diet for a child is a healthy balanced diet and a healthy attitude to food. Either end of the spectrum is potentially harmful. To be so dramatic about drinking juice holds its on responsibilities in bad attitudes to foods.


As for people saying that parents should go along with the school rules, why? We live in a country where we vote for or against. We work in positions were employment law protects our rights too. We wouldnt stand for unreasonable expectations but when it comes to our children they should except every rule without thought and question? Thats a very dangerous game in my book. To teach your children to be respectful and disciplined is one thing but to teach them to go along with anything is quite another and undermines their own thoughts and opinions. A school is a learning environment not a prison.


very very well said:thumbsup:

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Mine was peas. I used to even want to like them because people looked like they were enjoying them but they truly made me throw up. No matter how much I was made to eat them. :gag:


I eat them now but only if I have made them and boiled them for hours.


i still cant eat garden peas, just the thought makes me wanna puke

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We definitely had a letter home a couple of years ago now saying that this would only be allowed under exceptional circumstances and that all pupils must remain in school unless given express permission by the head.



surely doing so would be holding them against there will which is cause enough for the local authority to get involved.


I have hear many cases where the school has said similar to this but when it comes to trying to enforce it you find that the parent is allowed to do so regardless of the head masters descision.


What are they going to do, lock the doors so you can't leave? :suspect:


The way i understood it as long as the child is in attendence at the correct times to learn and it does not disrupt there school work then there is nothing the school can really do.


I would look into it if i were you, talk to someone more informed then myself. The Local LEA Perhaps

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