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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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In the OPs case, I can't see there's a problem? If a rule is introduced, then in the main children need to stick to it and parents need to encourage and support them in abiding by a rule. If the children just don't like the rule, or just don't want to follow it, then parents should really support the school. If, however, a child has a medical problem that makes the rule untenable, they should be excused.


For the children for whom drinking water isn't a medical or health issue, then they can drink what they want outside school hours, and water if they need a drink in school. Not much of a hardship really. :)


If I were the OP though, I'd be concerned about my child's inability to drink water. What would happen if the child got stranded somewhere and it was the only drink available?

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In this case a valid opinion MsM I think, but your extended argument doesn't always work.

If a rule is introduced it should be for a good reason, otherwise parents have every right to disagree with it.

How about if the rule tomorrow is that children must only wear 1 sock, and that they have to hop whenever moving around the school.

No medical reason for most parents to complain about those rules, but they are clearly pointless and stupid.

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As I understand it there is a simple reason why schools want just water, and not juice/squash type drinks, and that is to cut down on the mess.


If kids spill water, no great issue, but if little Johnny or Tabitha were to come home stained with blackcurrent, orange or 'yummy tropical' then no doubt the same parents moaning about the water only rule will also be complaining about how the big bad school let their kid's clothes get ruined.

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There's some right muppets on here.


The issue is not discipline; it's freedom of reasonable choice.


The choice of what the child eats and drinks should be made by the parent and child. Not the school. The school do not pay to bring that child up, the parents do.


People are assuming this child is not disciplined. How do you know? My child is disciplined and well mannered, but I would not stand for her being told what to drink. My child does not drink fizzy pop and I only buy sugar free dilute. Our choice; not the schools'.

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In this case a valid opinion MsM I think, but your extended argument doesn't always work.

If a rule is introduced it should be for a good reason, otherwise parents have every right to disagree with it.

How about if the rule tomorrow is that children must only wear 1 sock, and that they have to hop whenever moving around the school.

No medical reason for most parents to complain about those rules, but they are clearly pointless and stupid.


Oops, should have said a 'reasonable' rule. One sock is very unreasonable, and hopping should only happen on sports days. ;)

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As I understand it there is a simple reason why schools want just water, and not juice/squash type drinks, and that is to cut down on the mess.


If kids spill water, no great issue, but if little Johnny or Tabitha were to come home stained with blackcurrent, orange or 'yummy tropical' then no doubt the same parents moaning about the water only rule will also be complaining about how the big bad school let their kid's clothes get ruined.


Now that does seem to be a reasonable reason for having plain water. Doesn't it?

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To my way of thinking, there's too much these days of both kids and (especially) their parents demanding a say in what the school does or doesn't do. When I was at school, the school made the rules and we followed them, whether I or my parents agreed with them or not. That's the way it should be.


I have mates who are teachers and they'd be rich if they had a pound for every time a parent has rung up or come to the school calling the odds because their little angel has been punished for something. Parents should accept that if their kid gets punished at school it's because the school perceived them as being in the wrong. End of.

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No dear I was merely saying that when she realises its water by the taste it makes her vomit. Remember that words on a screen can be taken anyway you wish to interpret and seen as you like to pick up every little detail I suggest you become a proof reader and talk about something you know and care about.


So, she's quite happy to drink it and not be sick, if she doesn't realise it's water?


It's not a medical condition, at all. If anything, it MAY be a psychological condition, IMO:- either that or darling daughter is simply yanking your chain, good-style. (which is what I'd lay odds-on it being)


If DD can drink water if it has a splash of fruit squash in it, then she's not got a medical problem, at all, because it's still simply water but with a bit of flavour added. So that argument goes straight out of the window, I'm afraid.


It's like saying "I'm allergic to milk, but not to milk-shakes" or "I'm allergic to boiled potatoes, but I can eat chips..."


When I was a child, when I or my sister clamoured for a drink of "pop", my mother would, very firmly say "No, get a glass of water:- water's what makes the lions roar!" and that was the end of that. We had water, or "Lump-it". We weren't allowed to "Gaffer" my mum and dad, my mum and dad "Gaffered" us.

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