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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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So teach young children to grab a damp cloth and clean it up as soon as it's spilled?


Sorry I don't actually know the age of these kids but I have to say, water has always made me gag. It's not for want of trying - I've tried drinking water on it's own all through my life but it really does make me wretch. So I add some squash to it.


As a child, I was taught (regardless of what I spilled) to clear up after myself - this is a much more sensible way of doing things imo. Ok - so it's a more expensive drink but if the parents are paying, why does it matter? Just teach the kids how to clean it up if they spill it - that way you get a child who can drink squash (I do think they have a right to ask for it to be sugar free and free of additives as they have to cope with the children!) but knows how to take responsibility for herself from a young age.


I'm a genius :lol:


You certainly are a genius but be careful because people on this mad forum will be telling you that water cannot possibly make you gag and it is all in your head. My daughter has the same problem but also vomits when drinking water without flavour.


Some people on this forum do not seem to grasp the concept that all people are entitled to their opinion and are allowed to dislike water. :loopy:

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is it really that big a deal cluffy?


water is sooo good for you....its the best detoxifying agent for your body.


and children get used to unfamiliar flavours in 2-3 days.




this is a good thing :)


Yes I'm afraid it is such a big deal Solomon1 when it means your daughter will be vomiting everywhere if forced to drink water and be dehydrating if she drinks nothing which will be her choice I fear and in the current weather I feel it is important for her to be able to drink.


If you were given a substance to drink that made you vomit are you telling me you would choose it just because someone said you should?

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Well I get really annoyed with this nanny state as well. At my daughters school they have taken off all the food the kids liked (pasta, tuna sandwiches etc) and replaced it with mainly salad which they dont like. So what happens they all go outside the school to the chip shop which is obviously much better for them.


I really can not get my head around these stupid ideas that seem to be knocking around these days:huh:

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Maybe if you weren't so bloody aggressive people might take you slightly more seriously. You give off the impression of like mother like daughter and that may be she is reacting in such a way because she picks up on how you act.


Not saying that is true as I don't know either of you but that's how you come accross.

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I have had my child to the doctors and hospital and am taking the evidence to school. My child will be continuing to drink juice at school because the school does recognise that she has a problem so to all you complete arse***** go swivel.



So whats the bloody problem in the first place! Deary me!!! :loopy::loopy::loopy::huh::huh::huh:

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Maybe if you weren't so bloody aggressive people might take you slightly more seriously. You give off the impression of like mother like daughter and that may be she is reacting in such a way because she picks up on how you act.


Not saying that is true as I don't know either of you but that's how you come accross.


And I suppose if you started a thread merely asking for peoples comments about a needless rule and people started to call your daughter all the names under the sun and call you a liar you would be laughing and joking. I came on her for a debate not to be hung drawn and quartered. I have a right to defend my daughter I think.

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Well I get really annoyed with this nanny state as well. At my daughters school they have taken off all the food the kids liked (pasta, tuna sandwiches etc) and replaced it with mainly salad which they dont like. So what happens they all go outside the school to the chip shop which is obviously much better for them.


I really can not get my head around these stupid ideas that seem to be knocking around these days:huh:


Totally agree with you. As in an early post my daughters school is demanding water only but allows crisps and chocolate and also sells things that are much more harmful than flavoured water in their breakfast bar in the morning. Doesn't shout healthy eating school to me at all.

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