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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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Because they are talking borlaks perhaps! You can't have a condition which stops you drinking water unless it's physcological and if it was the school would recognise this if the OP backed up this claim via actions such as doing something about it like taking their child to a GP as a starting point!


right i was reading the metro today on the bus and in there is a girl whos alergic to water, ill try find the story so stop thinking your all docs and know it all

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If kids choose what to eat and drink every day, they would eat chips, pizza, and sugary pop every day. In fact some kids do, its because their parents let them and let their kids rule the house.


Then when they get older, they'll become obese and lazy and blame the state for it. And if they realise the concept of healthy eating and the benefits of drinking water, they'll be angry at their parents for letting them eat so badly when they were younger.


People don't take their health and their childrens health seriously enough - its a huge problem for this country, exploding into a mass of obese slobs draining the NHS and dying early.


Seriously, think about the longer term. Water is the best you can drink.

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this is not saying the ops child has this, obviously not but i seen a few of you say no one can be allergic to water or how can anyone be allergic to it well here you are


Aquagenic urticaria, also known as water urticaria and aquagenous urticaria, is an extremely rare form of physical urticaria. It is sometimes described as an allergy, although it is not a histamine releasing allergic reaction like other forms of urticaria; it is more a hypersensitivity to the ions found in non-distilled water. In affected persons, water on the skin causes hives to appear within 15 minutes and last for up to two hours

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this is not saying the ops child has this, obviously not but i seen a few of you say no one can be allergic to water or how can anyone be allergic to it well here you are


But I thought the OP said her child was not allergic to water!:confused:

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Aquagenic urticaria, also known as water urticaria and aquagenous urticaria, is an extremely rare form of physical urticaria. It is sometimes described as an allergy, although it is not a histamine releasing allergic reaction like other forms of urticaria; it is more a hypersensitivity to the ions found in non-distilled water. In affected persons, water on the skin causes hives to appear within 15 minutes and last for up to two hours


In other words - is nothing at all like the poster here was claiming her daughter has.

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