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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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Many of the problems in schools today are caused by parents who are prepared to make a fuss about anything that their little darlings don't like. If my child came home with such a note I would just say "drink water then". Mind you, my children haven't been brought up to be fussy, and we wouldn't dream of attacking the views of the school in front of them as this simply undermines discipline.


I agree totally, especially with the last sentence.


Accept the school's authority with good grace or move to another school.

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Well thank you for your opinion nice to know you think the school are out of line. :thumbsup:


But do yourself a favour and keep your comments to yourself about my children. I have two beautiful children and one is very upset at the moment about all of this so back off lets remember she is only 10 years old. If you must have a go at anyone have a go at me. After you have looked at yourself obviously. :mad:


No, you posted on a discussion forum, you're going to have to expect people to comment on the issue.

If you don't want comments about your children acting like brats, stop them acting like brats.

I'm not sure that age really comes into it, you should never have allowed her to refuse to drink water, now it's just going to be harder to make her stop being so silly.

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Watching BBC this morning, I was interested to see an item about a woman who cannot drink water. She has only diet coke. Though rare, this is indeed a bona fide medical condition. Doctors are looking into causes which remain unknown so far.


I am not saying this is the op's daughter's problem, I don't know and it is not my business. But perhaps all those who insist there is no such condition will learn something new.


This thread should have remained focussed on the real issue, which is whether schools have the right to impose draconian rules on what children may drink.

Children are people too and have the right to have preferences within reason.


There is no need to have drinks in the classroom, but at break and lunchtime children should be allowed a healthy drink, which does not have to be just water.


For those children who go home at lunchtime, is the school going to demand to see what the child is having for it's lunch. It's the next logical step after examining lunchboxes and confiscating forbidden foods.

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right i was reading the metro today on the bus and in there is a girl whos alergic to water, ill try find the story so stop thinking your all docs and know it all


Have a think about it will you! Adding a dolop of cordial isn't going to sort the problem out!

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Why has this girls medical condition only just come to life,I thought schools had to be made aware of any medical condition on starting school,Did the mum not inform them when she started school or has the condition suddenly and conveniantly come on.

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No, you posted on a discussion forum, you're going to have to expect people to comment on the issue.

If you don't want comments about your children acting like brats, stop them acting like brats.

I'm not sure that age really comes into it, you should never have allowed her to refuse to drink water, now it's just going to be harder to make her stop being so silly.


Well said Cyclone. :thumbsup:


I wasn't sure where age came into it either. Apart from at 10 she should be old enough to stop having a hissy fit every time someone tries to make her have water (which is what this comes down to). It seems the rather effective question someone raised regarding whether she made a fuss, drank water and then threw-up or drank water (without complaint) and then threw-up remains unanswered.

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Why has this girls medical condition only just come to life,I thought schools had to be made aware of any medical condition on starting school,Did the mum not inform them when she started school or has the condition suddenly and conveniantly come on.


Agreed. I can't see why the OP would need to get a medical report because the school must surely already be aware of the condition?

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I think you might have a psychological problem if you don't drink water at all.


Where oh where did I say I don't drink water at all.. I don't drink water "on its own" meaning plain water, because I don't like it.


How dare you insinuate I have psychological problems just because I don't like the taste of something?


I've never liked the taste of water, indeed, I would be a brat and gip because I didn't like the taste. Maybe thats because where we lived the water was actually horrible from the taps, kind of a brown colour sometimes :gag: And I still don't drink PLAIN water, I subsitute it with healthy alternatives.


All I'm saying is I sympathise with the OP's daughter, and I think the school is being far too authoritarian. Whats wrong with flavoured water or low sugar drinks?

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