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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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Depriving them of what? The food they're used to, or the food that is good for them?


Surely if they are going home to a chocolate, crisp and pop diet at home, there is even more reason for them to be eating healthily at school?


Eating healthily isn't really the problem, I've got no problems with schools serving healthy meals, but such strict guidelines seem a bit OTT to me. Like I've said before, whats the problem with flavoured waters and dilute juices?

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I agree, but you also have to look at the "give them an inch..." etc. theory.


We know what kids are like and, maybe in the role of Devil's advocate, it is tough for schools nowadays. If they discipline a child in anyway, the parents are in uproar about their human rights etc.


I'm not really sticking up for the schools as such because I hated secondary school. But when I was there they still had some authority over the pupils. Now, teachers are scared of what will happen due to the knife culture and the aggressive nature of how kids are these days - especially teenagers.



I can definitely see where you are coming from, but the OP was regarding primary school education, and I feel that there's been a lot of "we're doing the best for the kids" when really its just blindly sticking to government proposals which don't necessarily take into consideration the vast mix of personalities and experiences children have.


Not all these parents take their children home to a bad diet / bad upbringing, and I feel that these types of measures almost "punish" the good kids and parents to tackle problems caused by a minority.


My god my brain isn't working today, I can't seem to make myself clear at all! :help:

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There is a world of difference between teaching children to think for themselves and using children as the battle ground for the issues that some parents seem to have with accepting rules. This covers all aspects from lunches and uniforms to holidays in term time. In many of the posts on these topics, there is little or no mention of the child's views. Instead, it's all about the parent's convenience or opinions.


We all think our child is uniquely important - but at school, they are just one of many. Is that really so difficult to understand?


Any school will accommodate a documented medical problem. Asking parents to provide water rather than drinks full of sugar or sweeteners is not an indication of "little Hitlers", but an entirely reasonable measure that is far easier to implement fairly and for everyone than complicated rules on what drinks can and cannot be brought to school.


Parents who have a good reason to ask that a particular rule is not applied to their child are unlikely to meet with a blanket refusal. There is really no need for tempers to run this high.


And no, I do not work in a school. And yes, I am a parent (but not much of a pianist).

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You lot think things are bad here, be glad your not in America!




A teenage girl has been suspended from school for drug-taking, and recommended for expulsion - because she was seen at school taking her birth-control pill



A 13-year-old Arizona student, Savana Redding, who was strip-searched in 2003 by staff who suspected that she had brought Ibuprofen tablets to school.


They are proper mental over there!

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I can definitely see where you are coming from, but the OP was regarding primary school education, and I feel that there's been a lot of "we're doing the best for the kids" when really its just blindly sticking to government proposals which don't necessarily take into consideration the vast mix of personalities and experiences children have.


Not all these parents take their children home to a bad diet / bad upbringing, and I feel that these types of measures almost "punish" the good kids and parents to tackle problems caused by a minority.


My god my brain isn't working today, I can't seem to make myself clear at all! :help:


Again, I agree with you. Like I said, was just playing Devil's advocate - one of my favourite pastimes. :hihi:

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Again, I agree with you. Like I said, was just playing Devil's advocate - one of my favourite pastimes. :hihi:


I'm no good at Devil's Advocate, I'm too much of a mouthy cow for that. I know what I think and I *insist* everyone listen to me.


Maybe its because I'm short, I feel I need to be louder to make myself heard...:suspect:

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off topic but, I am lovin your signature leviathan!:D


Indeed. I actually sort of ripped it off of a joke I once heard about a couple who go to the doctors. He asks what's wrong and the woman says that when they have sex, it doesn't last very long. So the doctor says to the man "so, you're having problems with premature ejaculation?" to which the man replies "Me? It's not bothering me at all, it's her who's got the problem with it...". And so on.


Anyhoo, back on topic...

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I'm no good at Devil's Advocate, I'm too much of a mouthy cow for that. I know what I think and I *insist* everyone listen to me.


Maybe its because I'm short, I feel I need to be louder to make myself heard...:suspect:


Well, being a follower of the Dark One, I believe there are three sides to a debate:


Your side


Their side


The Devil's side



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Well, being a follower of the Dark One, I believe there are three sides to a debate:


Your side


Their side


The Devil's side




I have:


My Side


The side of the people who talk rationally and sensibly, and I enjoy debating with


The side that makes me want to punch people in the back of the head.


I'm lovely, me, really.

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