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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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You're telling me! If they can't be made to drink water, then what happens when they demand a playstation? Perhaps no child should be made to use a type of games console they don't like.


or perhaps your missing the point,


I also do not like the taste of water, back when i was in school we had a similar thing for lunch times where we could not have anything but water, circumnavigate the rules in situation like these, send a couple of drinking yoghurt's they may try and dispute it but once their brought up on the fact its a yoghurt and part of the childs lunch there's not much they can do.


as for water in the class room I would just send the standard drink you usually would with a note for the teacher, if they take it of them speak to the relevant bodies since they removed the childs right to have a drink since they can't drink water

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If u had told me they force kids to eat a certain food at the cantine, I would 100% support your sayings, but come on, water!!! It's bloody tasteless, plus it's the only drink that really quenches thirst.

Look, I've just only started posting on the forum which I really like by the way, and don't want starting making enemies here :hihi:

My opinion only engages myself (trying to translate a french proverb in english, doesnt sound right but u will understand)...


For your information water does have a taste to people who do not enjoy drinking it. Most describe it as a metallic taste. My child is being forced to drink water and it is something that she and quite a few others do not enjoy and will not drink. As an add on I do drink water but do not find it quenches my thirst.

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For your information water does have a taste to people who do not enjoy drinking it. Most describe it as a metallic taste. My child is being forced to drink water and it is something that she and quite a few others do not enjoy and will not drink. As an add on I do drink water but do not find it quenches my thirst.



I dont think they listen to anyone but themselves so pointless arguing with them

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I'd of thought letting any kid have bottled drinks in school is a bad idea as the chances of it getting spilt or of wrangling to start amongst the have and the have nots or worse still the who has the nicer or better.

I suppose the old idea of having drinking fountains supplying mains water is far too prehistoric . I only know in hot weathe there'd be a line of kids waiting at the drinks fountain and if you couldn't bear the wait the cold water taps in the toilets could be slurped from although I'm sure some-one tried to put me off by saying that water came from a tank off the roof.

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If she is thirsty enough she'll drink it. My advice is to put a stop to this nonesense while she is still young rather than pandering to it.


When I want your advice I'll ask for it.


In the meantime I'm really glad your not my parent. I had a dad like you in the 70s and he was that mean he put brussel sprouts in the fridge from teatime and served them up for me to eat for breakfast the next day. His theory was if I was hungry enough I'd eat them. Suffice to say they could still be sat in the fridge to this day for all I care and for your information I haven't touched sprouts since. So your theories don't work Einstein.

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My 10 year old daughter has just come home from her first day back at school with a letter that would make your blood boil. Apparently the school are no longer allowing children to drink diluted juice and will only be allowed to drink water in future. My daughter point blank refuses to drink water on its own and therefore we flavour it with a small amount of orange or blackcurrant juice. The juice we use is the no added sugar variety and contains 2.6g of sugar per 250ml. I have just spoken to the learning mentor who tells me that they will not allow flavoured water or dilute juice. When I asked if it was now policy to let children dehydrate instead her answer was "they won't dehydrate". Does this mean that the school will be force feeding all pupils water. Arrggghh I have got steam coming out of my ears. :rant: Has anyone else experienced this kind of ridiculous nonsense from their school and if so what are your reactions to it.

my little girls old nursery was the same, so i blatantly send her with her own mixture, in my eyes are they going to actually take the drink from the child at lunch i doubt it lol, they didnt anyway

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When I want your advice I'll ask for it.


In the meantime I'm really glad your not my parent. I had a dad like you in the 70s and he was that mean he put brussel sprouts in the fridge from teatime and served them up for me to eat for breakfast the next day. His theory was if I was hungry enough I'd eat them. Suffice to say they could still be sat in the fridge to this day for all I care and for your information I haven't touched sprouts since. So your theories don't work Einstein.


Mneh, trying to get me to drink pure water was pretty much the same. I don't care HOW little dilute is in it, as long as its not plain water.


And pfft to the person who said its the only really refreshing drink, I can think of 5 off the top of my head that I think quench me more.

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my little girls old nursery was the same, so i blatantly send her with her own mixture, in my eyes are they going to actually take the drink from the child at lunch i doubt it lol, they didnt anyway


We shall see tomorrow because she is going to school with some yummy tropical juice.

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When I want your advice I'll ask for it.


In the meantime I'm really glad your not my parent. I had a dad like you in the 70s and he was that mean he put brussel sprouts in the fridge from teatime and served them up for me to eat for breakfast the next day. His theory was if I was hungry enough I'd eat them. Suffice to say they could still be sat in the fridge to this day for all I care and for your information I haven't touched sprouts since. So your theories don't work Einstein.


you must have been a very thin child , starving yourself like that.

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