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School says no flavoured drinks - water only for children

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im laughing at a post on here love not my kids education




no, really?






I thought you were arguing for the decline of educational standards.







still at least it`ll give you and the rest of the "feed em junk" brigade a couple of new "my kids have no discipline" ............."our school in special measures" and "postcode war kids pointless death" threads next year.

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no, really?






I thought you were arguing for the decline of educational standards.







still at least it`ll give you and the rest of the "feed em junk" brigade a couple of new "my kids have no discipline" ............."our school in special measures" and "postcode war kids pointless death" threads next year.


just because i allow them to drink dilute pop doesnt mean i feed them junk, get a grip pal:suspect:

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just the same as you do, just the same as you do.





go on tell, which rules have you broken today?


I rode across a Pelican crossing on my cycle.

It was naughty,i broke a rule/law or whatever you wanna dress it up as.


If your boss told you he was bringing in a new rule which required you to sniff his toes on a Friday,would you comply?

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I rode across a Pelican crossing on my cycle.

It was naughty,i broke a rule/law or whatever you wanna dress it up as.


If your boss told you he was bringing in a new rule which required you to sniff his toes on a Friday,would you comply?


:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: brilliant:thumbsup:


see ya all laters

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The idea of the rule I should think is because not all parents will send their kids to school with sugarless drinks, so one rule for all. Kids are becoming obese, have major dental probs at early age. They are probably taking advice from central or local government...that advice will probably stem from reports sent in by local dental practices who are probably appalled at the state of the nations teeth.


Stop acting like a 10 yr old yourself and support your school in the good practice of drinking healthy clean water. Might also be an idea to try it yourself. She likes pop cos you feed her the stuff...poor kid.

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The idea of the rule I should think is because not all parents will send their kids to school with sugarless drinks, so one rule for all. Kids are becoming obese, have major dental probs at early age. They are probably taking advice from central or local government...that advice will probably stem from reports sent in by local dental practices who are probably appalled at the state of the nations teeth.


Stop acting like a 10 yr old yourself and support your school in the good practice of drinking healthy clean water. Might also be an idea to try it yourself. She likes pop cos you feed her the stuff...poor kid.


What a lot of rubbish you talk. She doesn't like water because she doesn't like the taste of it. Simple as that. I do drink water and plenty of it up to about 2 pints today and yes plain tap water on its own.


How dare you imply my kid is hard done to. I feel sorry for any children of yours that would be forced to eat/drink something that makes them sick. I have done nothing but support my local school for the last 6 years and look where that has got us but thats another story. Special measures = punish the children because the management at the school is pap.

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I'm guessing here but I expect the sugar in the drink sends some kids doo lally. In order to stop the tiny handful who experience this problem, they'll have done a sweeping rule to cover all kids so nobody is singled out.


Try your young un with sparkling water. It's still only water but a bit more exciting than the plan tap stuff.


Not sure if anyone else has said this, but sugar is only part of the problem, its what is done with the kids that can cause hyper activity. An experiment was done on kids parties (people may have seen the results) where there were two parties, one with sugar and one without. But the parents were told the opposite, and then asked how they found the children. Almost every parent who believed there child had the sugar (which they didnt) said they were hyper.


This is just another way of teachers / the authority trying to push the blame on to something else, and as health etc is always in the news, thats the thing that is in the firing line first.

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But its just water.It doesnt taste of anything.


I hate when people say that.. it tastes of whatever is in the pipes, whatever chemicals have been used to 'clean' it... or if it doesn't taste of anything that could be why it's not liked, some people don't like the feel of a tasteless substance in their mouth.


Personally, I don't like drinking water either for the above reasons, i WILL drink it when there's no choice, but if the option is there, i'll refuse.



a way round it, buy "perfectly clear" flavoured water from asda, (the apple one is nice) and send her to school with that, it has a deffinate taste and looks like water so shouldn't be questioned.

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