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Richmond Park

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Hi Barbara,


I could be wrong about the date, I never claimed to be infalible but in 1965 I was serving with the RAF in Germany. I suppose I could have been home on leave at the time. I used to spend all my leaves at Richmond Hill Road as I did not marry until 1968.


Yes I remember well the red hills and the railway track which came up from Woodhouse way. I remember that a small train ran on it a couple of times a week but I don't know why it did. I have seen the area on Google Earth so I was aware that it had been landscaped.





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Hi mike

I run an art group at crystal peaks and one of my members does many paintings of the train that ran there ! you may know him doug little ?he paints lots of old sheffield,hes doing me a picture to raffle its a painting of thecorner of richmond road and normanton hill in1947 pre houses and garage !

take care


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Hi Barbara,


No, I am afraid I do not know Doug Little but I would be interested to see some of his work. As an old age pensioner, I doubt whether I would be able to afford to buy any. Has he produced a catalogue?


I had a look at the Friends website and felt obliged to join although it is doubtful whether I will ever visit again. I was born in the front bedroom of 15, Richmond Hill Road in June 1939 and pretty well grew up in the park. Hence my strong affinity with it.


You mention the junction of Richmond Road and Normanton Hill - could not be- surely you mean Woodhouse Road? I cannot remember a time when the garage was not at that junction but the houses opposite were certainly not there. It was just a high bank of brown sandstone with scrubby gorse bushes etc above.





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I can remember a light aircraft landing in the park in the 50s but cannot remember the year but would have thought 55 or 56 as I was around 10 at the time. I cannot remember one in 65 which is surprising as I was still living there then and got married in 66 so you would think I could remember it. I know I have some photos somewhere just been looking for them but I have so many it is like looking for a needle in a haystack but I have not given up yet. I am looking forward to seeing the park restored to it's former glory.

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Hi silly

Thanks for taking the time to look thro your photos,I would love to see them ,they seem to be very thin on the ground!

I hope you will be able to come to the park on the day ,its a pity puffin cant come


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Hi Puffin 4

My Dad told me about the trains

the little train is mentioned in The Shirebrook Valley Groups Book available from Crystal Peaks Library, it ran from Birley East Pit to Birley West Pit (at Intake) also ran workers trains

It seems that for many years ran a annual excursion train from INTAKE!!!! and Normanton Springs to The Seaside

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  • 3 months later...

I was brought up on Stradbroke Road and spent many a day in Richmond Park in the 50s and 60s.

My grandad was a keen bowler and won loads of trophies at the bowls club there - his name was Jack Styles.

We used to go and get pussy willow from the stream that runs though the park.

Haven't been there for about 35 years. Sorry - have no pictures. (Had my first cigarette there!)

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Hi Jeang you must have been there at the same time as me then in the good old days when wellies were essential for building dams and making dens in the streams also picking pussy willow. I must go back to look at the park now as I still don't live that far away.

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