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Richmond Park

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Good evening, In the1950's and1960's we lived in the prefabs overlooking Richmond park.My father was one of the founder members of the Bowling Club,as was President.I spent many hours playing football cricket tennis and bowls in the park.My family along with friends on the prefabs,started the Stradbroke Community Centre when the school was built.It was a very active community in the 1950's,especially when the Stradbroke estate was built.Every Saterday night was a dance in the hall,and visits were made to different places. There were sports days in a field at the top of Stradbroke Road at the back of Richmond Hall Estate,which is now Lamb Hill Close. My father used to train around the football pitch in Normanton Springs,and next to the pitch was a small farm,which had pigs hens and farmer grew grapes in the greenhouses. Hope this info has been of some interest.

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I wondered if anyone can provide information about the two house at the top of richmond park, leading on to normanton springs road, im doing some local history research and have recently found out that the may have one building used as an isolation hospital from 1870s and during ww1, just wanting more info if possible



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Just to let everyone Know Richmond Park (not richmond park estate) has a great Friends group who are heart and soul into making it a good place to go ,sadly they didnt get the funding for a playground but they are back on track and looking for people to fund individual pieces of play equipment I wish them luck

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I had three uncles who played cricket for Richmond Park C.C.,this was in the early fifties and the club captain was Bill Warnock,father of Neil Warnock who went on to be a professional footballer and manager,Neil and i fielded the boundaries as youngsters and had to retrieve the ball when it had gone into the nettles.

My auntie Audrey kept scores and helped with the mid match catering, they left all the catering stuff in the hut and it never got interfered with,can you imagine that nowadays?

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HI take it you havent been in the park for a while its not bad its well used there is free football coaching every Saturday morning and plenty of kids from 5 to15 take part and lots of parents attend too.sadly we now only have 1 football pitch but its well used too have a look at forp.me and look how its changed.we are about to launch a gardening club in the park to bring it up to standard any one interested get in touch

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I agree with the comment about the tip although it was not a part of the park but was accessed from Woodhouse Road. I think it was originally a small quarry and, as is the practise today, it was infilled with household waste. I was born adjacent to the park in 1939 and remember it being used, certainly during the war but I think it had been filled by the early 50's. It remained derelict for many a long year.



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