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Ernest harry smith, smiths embrocation oils

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researching my family tree, i've come acoss a few barriers.


Ernest Harry Smith1872, org from Oundle Northants.

it's believed he went to work in Stocksbridge as a coachman for a DR Goin. that his how he met his wife, Frances Butler Gabbitass1871 a local girl- a cook-.married in 1894-

He than worked for the Earl of Wharncliffe, as a coachman. it was then he invented Smiths embrocation oils, for the horses.

he also used the oils on Sheffield Wed FC.

on the 1911 census he is listed as working in the steel trade. His grand daughter Margaret Hinchliffe worked for Sam Fox, umbrellas.


can anyone help with:

records of Lord Wharncliffes staff?

DR Goin? did he exsist?:help:

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