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Pond Street Nora

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Can anybody remember the local character Pond Street Nora in the 1970's? She could often be seen sitting on the benches in the old Pond Street bus station surrounded by all her belongings stuffed in carrier bags. I can remember seeing her for a decade or more then she disappeared. I wonder what became of her.



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Probably both dead, I remember the duke of darnall in the fifty's standing at the top of Angel street directing the traffic, ( where the policeman used to stand on point duty ) dressed in his usual black bowler hat, pinstripe trouser's, frock coat and rolled umbrella waving his hand's about,( just like the policeman) with traffic zooming past him not taking a blind bit of notice. He once jumped out in front of me when I was driving a double deck bus down the moor and I had to hit the brakes throwing my conductress flat on her face on the top deck. The duke of darnall was not responsible for his action's, he should have been kept in a secure, safe place instead of being let loose on the community. :roll::roll::roll: Hal. Evans.

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I used to work in the old Queens head at the bus station. There were a fair few characters wound up in there. Don't know about the above though, am a little too young I think. But we did have someone we called doorman Dave. He would on a regular basis, infact i think it was at acertain time each day,walk round the outside of the building giving each door a good rattle, just to check we were all safe, and then wander off. I still see him occasionaly. People wandering about talking to them selves, all part of Sheffields character :?

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I remember being chased by Pond Street Nora in the late 60's, along with a load of other kids for chanting at her.


We were somewhere near Bramall Lane and one of my mates said 'Oooh look, there's Pond Street Nora' and all the kids started chanting 'Nora, Nora!' and she chased us all away. I hadn't heard of her before then. Don't think I ever saw her again. :)

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yea i remember him come to think of it there was two guys poss same height with bald head and the one im thinking of in the poss late 50/60s wore a r.a.f. long coat and if my mind is correct i heard he was a ace in the war in spitfires and it sent him a bit funny after he came out of the hospital also i was told he was decorated for him being a hero etc.

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Pond Street Norah died in the 80s and i she was always in the bus station and remember Cyril the tramp in the subway hole in the road.I broke my arm in 1972 and went to the hospital were Cyril was there having his toe nails cut by the nurses. Not a job i,d attempt.

Cyril was found dead in the shop doorway at Britsh homestores on the haymarket some years ago.

He simply died in his sleep, probably due to the weather conditions.

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Originally posted by "Anonymous"


Can anybody remember the local character Pond Street Nora in the 1970's? She could often be seen sitting on the benches in the old Pond Street bus station surrounded by all her belongings stuffed in carrier bags. I can remember seeing her for a decade or more then she disappeared. I wonder what became of her.



yes i remember pond street nora i give her a cig once she was a big lady and yes she could run fast
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