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Pond Street Nora

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My nan used to tell me stories about Pond Street Nora when I was younger! The hole in the road... I wish it was still there, I used to love going in there with me dad! Am I right in saying that there was a 'Transport Executive' type thing in there??


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Originally posted by "Chloe"


My nan used to tell me stories about Pond Street Nora when I was younger! The hole in the road... I wish it was still there, I used to love going in there with me dad! Am I right in saying that there was a 'Transport Executive' type thing in there??


hello who is your nan maybe i know your nan let me know ok thank you
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My nan? Doubt you'll know her. But, her name was Charlotte Goodwin (her maiden name was Carrier) Married me grandad Dennis Goodwin and lived at Attercliffe before moving to the Manor Park in probably 1956/57. Lived there up until they both died about 5/6 years ago.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Reading other messages reminded me of a couple of incidents that happened round about 1979. Once in Commonside, Walkley with a couple of other teenage friends when a skinny little bloke on a mobelet type pedal moped pulled along side us, stopped and said "i like yer feet" and then shot off on his way. A couple of weeks later near the Hollybush pub in Rivelin exactly the same thing happened again......very strange...please someone tell me that i didn't dream it..

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Originally posted by tazlady636

:cry: unfortunately i heard pond street nora died a while ago,i was also told she went a little crazy because she had a child in the change and had it removed from her,poor lady to think somewhere there could be a child out there not knowing :(

i think she was hit with a bus some body told me that dont know if its true
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Hi, all.


Yeah, I remember Nora. I can remember her once singing "I'm Nora the queen of pond street bogs!" at the top of her voice.


My favourite though, was Happy Harry. He hung around the city center in a dodgy suit. Every now and then he'd suddenly throw his hands in the air and run down the street cheering and going wacky like he'd just won the lottery. Bit like Timmy Mallet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember Pond Street Nora, and CAN confirm that she DID have a change of life baby. I was in ward 26 of the NGH expecting twins in 1975, when Pond Street Nora was brought up to the ward from the ante natal clinic to have a bath because the Docs refused to examine her until she was clean. I was on ward 25 after the birth of my twins when Nora was admitted after the birth of her child, a little girl ,the child was given for adoption. A beautiful child, I remember holding her while the nurses prepared her bottle.:lol: She had beautiful blonde hair, and was a big baby too.

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