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Pond Street Nora

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There were quite a few street characters around in the 1950s. I know it does not apply to Nora but the war certainly did strange things to some folks. I remberber as a kid seeing ex servicemen selling matches in the street and another chap who sold chestnuts.


The country owed these people and yet still let them down

if he was the chestnut seller with a pitch outside the penny black,his barrow is in kelham island museum,there was a blind ex serviceman used to stand outside suggs sports on the moor,he sold boot laces and matches,i always saw men putting change in his tray but never taking anything,i suppose they were the lucky ones who came home from the war in one piece,i also remember nora, god bless her..
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I remember Pond Street Nora, and CAN confirm that she DID have a change of life baby. I was in ward 26 of the NGH expecting twins in 1975, when Pond Street Nora was brought up to the ward from the ante natal clinic to have a bath because the Docs refused to examine her until she was clean. I was on ward 25 after the birth of my twins when Nora was admitted after the birth of her child, a little girl ,the child was given for adoption. A beautiful child, I remember holding her while the nurses prepared her bottle.:lol: She had beautiful blonde hair, and was a big baby too.


OMG thanks for posting that, wonder what happened to that baby, she would be 23/24 by now so we should all be aware she may read these posts one day.

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OMG thanks for posting that, wonder what happened to that baby, she would be 23/24 by now so we should all be aware she may read these posts one day.
i dont think that was possible,if you read porche thread Nora died in 1986 age 71 so in 1975 she would have been 60 yrs old :thumbsup:
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yes i too can remember Nora, Cyril and "lockjaw" as we used to call him, there was also a guy who we saw regularly round the bramall lane/shoreham st area that we called "boxer" as he would be constantly ducking and dodging as if he was in the ring.

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My Mum was in her early 20's during the early 1970's in Sheffield and went through Pond Street on her way to work. She remembers a woman called Ivy Wellingtons who always wore wellies - but cut the toes out in the summer to make peep-toes of them. Apparently she liked to sing "Bells are ringing for me and my girl". She also wore 3 or 4 hats, which she liked to rotate around to have different ones on top. She also swore a lot, and targetted my Mum one day when she saw her carrying a sandwich bag from Davy's, cursing about how "EVERYONE SHOULD GO TO DAVY'S TO GET THEIR BLEEDIN' PORK PIES - LOOK, SHE'S BEEN, SHE'S GOT 'ER BLEEDIN' PORK PIES FROM DAVY'S."


Does anyone else remember her? Mum thinks she was around at the same time as Nora but feels sure it is a different person.

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hi yes its well known that nora died in middlewood for some time i nursed her she settled and made friends with both staff and residents had a domestic job had money for her fags enough tea to drink as she wanted was clean and no longer deluded could still curse and swear if you crossed her at least the last part of her life found her content and more cared for spent the last years of her life in more comfort than she had had in sheffield city centre

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