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Unofficial Forum Meet, Corporation, 5/6/09


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Ooo, tattoo of what??? And where???


hehe, its a little hard to explain. Having forget-me-nots, primroses, pansies, roses, daisies, butterflies (common blue and red admiral to be precise) and dragonfliesa s a celebration of my favourite parts of english wildlife and flowers.


I'm also having tulips as well as my great grandad grew tulips all over when he got back from WWII, so its a bit of a personal thing for me.


I'm having it from the flower I've already got on my lower stomach, just above the pubic bone, to just under my boob, along my ribs. Its gonna sting!!!

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Does that mean you have to sit there holding your boob up for ages? hehe.


So is it not being all done at once then? or is each part quite small but very spread out? Is it all adding to the flower you already have? I want to add to the small dragon I have on my right shoulder blade so he's on on his own anymore. I should probably go to the same artist for that as he did dragons faces nicer than any I'd seen, no idea if he's still around anymore though.

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Does that mean you have to sit there holding your boob up for ages? hehe.


So is it not being all done at once then? or is each part quite small but very spread out? Is it all adding to the flower you already have? I want to add to the small dragon I have on my right shoulder blade so he's on on his own anymore. I should probably go to the same artist for that as he did dragons faces nicer than any I'd seen, no idea if he's still around anymore though.


Its my ex fiancee who's tattoooing me, which is going to be even wierder. S good bra and the right position will do fine :D


I've got a really tiny lily on my lower stomach which I had done a couple of years ago that I'm adding to. I don't want it covered up but I want to add to it.

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You may even have showed me (not the bra, I'd remember that!) but I have a terrible memory, hehe. I know I didn't show you the dragon on my shoulder but did I show you the lizards around the tribally pattern on my leg?


Wonder what my next will be, I'm not stuck for ideas at all, I have loads! Same for piercings... I might get my labrets back!

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Alrighty then. If anyone wants a random beer Friday then post here/PM me and I'll pop into town 9ish.


If not then I shall sit in and watch Jonathon Ross!


Haha. Not sure what I'm doing friday now, think the plan is meal with workmates, followed by meeting friends in the washy and then after a few absinthes who knows?!?!

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