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D&D group in Sheffield

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Myself and a friend are looking at D&D roleplay groups in S6 and city centre sort of areas, we havent been able to find any so far and i thought that i may have more luck here at either finding one, or some other local like minded people to join us for a night a week :). We are both new to this particualr game though both have experience with other similar ones, and looking for a group to join on a regular basis if things go well.


This may be answered else where if it is please direct me to the right place and id be happy to look round, though a scan over the posts and the search function came up blank for me.


Thanks in advance


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There is a few people on here who play D+D, although I think it is located either in the nights out thread or the interests area.


The amazingly named leg_luvva plays AD+D each week, which I am led to assume is the same thing, although I'm not 100% sure. I'd drop him a PM to get some info from him.

He's sat on the opposite side of the room from me and he doesn't look like he's doing much right now anyway!


Edit: he plays somewhere neat the Casbah if that helps.

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We do indeed!


However, I don't think out DM wants any more players at the minute. There is another group that play wednesdays and thursdays at the Old Queens head I believe. I'll point this thread out to a friend and get him to send you info about it.

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Thanks for the replys


@ Dark Moomin sounds great if you could pass on the word thanks :D, i understand your DM completly, intergrating new players into a ongoing campaign isnt always easy especially when their strangers.


@ Kaizabella more the merrier! i hope we all find what we want :D, is it D&D you were wanting to play also or have another game in mind? If we have sufficient intrest to possibly try a group im up for it for sure. I know me and my friend are happy to commit to a weekly basis (depending on the night as we have other commitments too hehe) and a couple of "casual" people that cant commit to more than an occasional meet unfrotunatley or it would have been so much easier to get going :(.

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