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To the owner/manager of jacosa bar


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i pop in jacosa most fridays like the music and the italian lager but there's one thing bugging me when i pop to the toilet and wash my hands there isn't anything to dry your hands so you end up with wet hands. i comlained to the manager of the bar who i'm sure was the owner but he denied it he said it was in for repair well how long does that take cos it's been gone for about six months now come on jacosa smarten up you charge top dollar for your drinks surely you can provide proper toilet facilites:rant:

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I avoid the problem by not going in there...


I have to say that sort of thing isn't exclusive to Jacosa though, how many bars have you been in that have had an expensive refurbishment and looks mint in the bar area but then you go to the gents and it's the same old tatty facility knee deep in wee with toilet doors that don't lock, no bog roll and dodgy hand dryer...

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