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God does NOT exist!

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theres much more proof that god doesnt exist...... use ur head
There is no proof that any gods don't exist. However, the evidence that believers put forward to support their beliefs is never sound enough to do the job, so it is reasonable to assume that there are no gods.


I'd love to see sound, verifiable evidence for the existence of anything supernatural, including a deity, but such evidence has never been produced by anyone. Therefore, the most reasonable view is that the supernatural does not exist.

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lol maybe you should use yours, cause the only evidence that god exists is a book.... lol so yeah there is much more evidence that he doesnt evidence so why dont you stop being so ignorant, i dint say he dint exist im just sayin theres more evidence he doesnt.
Or to be more accurate.... there's a LACK of evidence that god exists. There's a difference between the two that you seem to have trouble comprehending. You should maybe scroll up and read my post on the difficulties of proving a negative. And maybe invest in a spell check dictionary for your browser?
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;4946501']Surely you cannot make such a statement either since such a question is impossible to answer until after you die? Unless you can get the internet in heaven of course??:hihi:


Why not?

As I understand it, God will judge me when I die, my ethics and performance may grant me passage.

So God willing I'll pass the gates of heaven.


I don't have to wait until I die to make a statement.

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;4946529']Or to be more accurate.... there's a LACK of evidence that god exists. There's a difference between the two that you seem to have trouble comprehending. You should maybe scroll up and read my post on the difficulties of proving a negative. And maybe invest in a spell check dictionary for your browser?


lol actually all this religion stuff is giving me ideas. i reckon i should start writing a book about something supernatural like... a golden set of staires or somet. then maybe ill have changed the world in a few hundred years what do you think?

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lol maybe you should use yours, cause the only evidence that god exists is a book.... lol so yeah there is much more evidence that he doesnt evidence so why dont you stop being so ignorant, i dint say he dint exist im just sayin theres more evidence he doesnt.


Where I would like to see such evidence.

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How do you come to that conclusion from me not wanting to blaspheme by attempting to predict what God's judgements will be.


I could argue for and against athiests gaining entrance to heaven, you asked for a statement based on ethics or performance that an athiest cannot make.


I gave you one, and athiest cannot state that God willing they will make it passed the gates of heaven, based on their morality or perfomance because they do not believe in God.


It doesn't take much thinking about, but then to ask me a specific question about my own personal belief and try to use it as a tool to negate my answer to your question, is illogical.


Yes, but "Godwilling I'll go to heaven" or whatever it was is not an ethical statement. An ethical statement, that is, a statement of ethics, is along the lines of "It's wrong to hurt the innocent" or "Abortion is wrong" etc. Yours was, at best, a theological statement.


Try this analogy: If I'd asked for an ethical statement that an astrologer could make that an non-believer in astrology couldn't make, "Jupiter is ascendent, therefore I'll have a good day" would not satisfy the request.

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