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God does NOT exist!

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Ive no idea why you are a hypocryte. Maybe you were abused as a child or somthing but if you look at my post again youll see i showed how you were being hypocrytical with the quoyed posts.:)


AKA, 'I made it up and there's no evidence.' Good lad! Keep it up!

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By your criteria, there are many millions of people going to Hell simply because they aren't Christians despite how 'good' they might have been. Such a loving God is yours.


Did I set any criteria?


I think you'll find I specified I am not going to predict who is and is not going to hell, its not for me to make such decisions, or set such criteria's.


My bold = please point me to where I set that as my criteria.

I think you will find that I can find arguments for and against using scripture where christians and none christians alike have a chance of entering heaven.


Please don't suggest I have said something that I have not, its deceitful.

Edited by Digsy
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Religion is about choice. If it's your choice to believe in God, that's great! If it's your choice not to believe in God, then that's great too!!


It's my choice to have Tuna, Cheese, and Onion on a sandwich, it might not be yours, you might like Ham & Egg, does it make us different people?


I think that sums it all up


If you were told from birth that tuna is bad and only heathens eat it and you should eat raw spinach if you want to be accepted by the nice people, then your analogy works a little better.

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Good day Mr. England.


I was just wondering, do you still consider what you posted on this thread last night to be proof of the non-existence of god?


If so what do you think of the fact that only 1 person on the forum has agreed with you?


You can't even get the other atheists to agree with you let alone anyone of faith!

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AKA, 'I made it up and there's no evidence.' Good lad! Keep it up!


You really have just shown yourself up with that post:hihi:

Go back to the start of the thread an re-read it all.

Then come back when you have something less moronic to say.

I wont hold my breath though:thumbsup:

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So would you prefer me to phrase it like this.


Its wrong to deny God.


One that an athiest cannot make, but in my eyes the only difference between the above statement and the original one I posted is that the original one includes the above statement as well as every other ethical statement.

But for your benefit I've narrowed it down to just the one statement, even though this one statement does not include all the other statements that can be claimed within the 'God willing I'll go to heaven".


Digsy you've not provided an ethical statement I'm afraid.


"God willing I'll pass through the gates of heaven" Is an assertion about a reality. You are saying 'if I do all the stuff that God wants I'll get to go to heaven' This is not a statement about ethics.


To find the ethical statement within you need to fish a little bit. You get to 'I need to behave like this in order to match God's criteria', which eventually leads you to 'I should follow the ethical code of x' where x is whatever particular branch of morality you choose.


So you're statement boils down to many different ethical statements, things like 'thou shall not steal' and 'do unto others...' These are ethical statements.

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If you were told from birth that tuna is bad and only heathens eat it and you should eat raw spinach if you want to be accepted by the nice people, then your analogy works a little better.


But I am Master of my own choices, and as such will follow my own path however I choose to believe. If I was told that from birth, I would still try tuna. You have to find what you like and stick with it for as long as you want. That you may eat spinach because of your upbringing is of no consequence to me. I'd still be happy to chew the fat with you whatever your choice of food. That's where the world is going wrong.


Live and let live.

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You really have just shown yourself up with that post:hihi:

Go back to the start of the thread an re-read it all.

Then come back when you have something less moronic to say.

I wont hold my breath though:thumbsup:


Oh please do. It would be such fun to watch! ;)

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Good day Mr. England.


I was just wondering, do you still consider what you posted on this thread last night to be proof of the non-existence of god?


If so what do you think of the fact that only 1 person on the forum has agreed with you?


You can't even get the other atheists to agree with you let alone anyone of faith!


Good day to you too.

The point everyone seems to be missing is im not expecting everyone or infact anyone to agree with me. Im just sharing my thoughts with the forum.

I dont for a minute think what ive put is going to make anyone change their mind.

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