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God does NOT exist!

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I'm not sure what your problem with this is, flamingjimmy. The op's logic was deeply flawed, but his post has sparked an interesting discussion.


Whilst I enjoy discussing religion as much as the next guy, and I do miss these threads, they've been a bit rare of late, my problem was with the silly way in which the OP went about it.


Still, by all means, let's discuss away, I missed when the theists turned up earlier, c'mon guys come back I'm supposed to be on EbonyBranch's team!

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I notice you don't specify which direction you'll be heading!


I notice your notice, and I wouldn't specify which way I'm heading as it would be a blaspheme to do so.


The one thing that I noticed is that athiests like to bitch at people who have faith.


You hardly ever see an athiest bitching at the Jedi's saying yoda don't exist.

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Maybe so.

Still waiting for the proof though. If im so wrong and my thinking is so flawed how come no one has offered me the proof of a god. That would shut me up and make me look very silly.

So hows about that proof then?


As I've already told you I'm an atheist so If I had proof that god existed as well then I'd be a very confused young man now wouldn't I?!

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Can i ask why you say my logic is flawed?

Is it any more flawed than those that actualy believe in god with nothing to back it up? Not looking for a row. Its a genuine question:)


No worries mate. Superficially, your logic is fine. xtians believe in a god who answers prayers, you prayed, your prayer wasn't answered, therefore there is no god. Trouble is, xtians have spent thousands of years dreaming up reasons why their god doesn't answer prayers.


In your case, they might include:


1. you don't believe in god, so he won't listen to you until you do

2. god only answers prayers that match his plan for the salvation of humanity

3. who are you to test god, anyway?

4. etc., etc.


It was a good starting point, but not strong enough. Maybe 'deeply flawed' was a bit unfair, sorry.

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As I've already told you I'm an atheist so If I had proof that god existed as well then I'd be a very confused young man now wouldn't I?!


The invitation to supply me proof wasnt exclusive to you. I realise you must think the whole world revolves around you but im sorry to have to say it doesnt.

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I notice your notice, and I wouldn't specify which way I'm heading as it would be a blaspheme to do so.


The one thing that I noticed is that athiests like to bitch at people who have faith.


You hardly ever see an athiest bitching at the Jedi's saying yoda don't exist.


The day we get a Jedi master in the House of Lords or they try to introduce midichlorians into biology lessons, I'll start bitchin'!

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?!? Can you expand on this? Or was it just a joke? in which case I'm still confused!


If you want, here is a link to the Jedi Religion, based on a fictional book and a few movies.


I think I'll rephrase my analogy and say you don't find many athiests disputing the Jedi Force.


Rarely hear athiests saying things like, prove the force is within me.


But yeah its an ironic joke.

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No worries mate. Superficially, your logic is fine. xtians believe in a god who answers prayers, you prayed, your prayer wasn't answered, therefore there is no god. Trouble is, xtians have spent thousands of years dreaming up reasons why their god doesn't answer prayers.


In your case, they might include:


1. you don't believe in god, so he won't listen to you until you do

2. god only answers prayers that match his plan for the salvation of humanity

3. who are you to test god, anyway?

4. etc., etc.


It was a good starting point, but not strong enough. Maybe 'deeply flawed' was a bit unfair, sorry.

No need to appologise mate and thanks for the explantion. I just wish some others on here could be so reasonable.


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The invitation to supply me proof wasnt exclusive to you. I realise you must think the whole world revolves around you but im sorry to have to say it doesnt.


Forgive me, it was the part where a quote from me just preceded it that threw me off.

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