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God does NOT exist!

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I've been greatly influenced by numerous books such as 'On Liberty' what of it?


Right, haven't read that one, but I'm always open to a good referral. The reason I replied in this way is that you said "The only difference is that atheists tend not to be as influenced by the arbitrary and frequently monstrously immoral (by my own standards) pronouncements from some old book or other."

Obviously you wouldn't think of the books or ideologies which have influenced you as arbitrary or immoral, as these things have inspired you, but you have nonetheless been influenced by their pronouncements.

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This thread has reached 75 pages and almost 1500 posts without anyone providing any decent evidence that god exists... i think this pretty much sums up why i and many others who are not theists dont accept any claims of existence dont you think? It seems to me that this thread serves no purpose than to argue the toss over a pointless claim...



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Right, haven't read that one, but I'm always open to a good referral. The reason I replied in this way is that you said "The only difference is that atheists tend not to be as influenced by the arbitrary and frequently monstrously immoral (by my own standards) pronouncements from some old book or other."

Obviously you wouldn't think of the books or ideologies which have influenced you as arbitrary or immoral, as these things have inspired you, but you have nonetheless been influenced by their pronouncements.


Yes but I suspect 'On Liberty' deals with real life and the actual world without putting forward a fairytale and expecting everyone to believe it.

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;5004159']This thread has reached 75 pages and almost 1500 posts without anyone providing any decent evidence that god exists... i think this pretty much sums up why i and many others who are not theists dont accept any claims of existence dont you think? It seems to me that this thread serves no purpose than to argue the toss over a pointless claim...




I don't think it is ever pointless- you'll never change the minds of those wrapped up in their own religious beliefs but you may change a few fence-sitters along the way!:thumbsup:

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I believe in God, and I always used to get sick of people ranting onto me about christianity and how wonderful it was and how its saved them and how I would be so much happier if I were christian.

It seems like now I DO believe in God, the Christians have shut up and atheists have turned into the new Christians Its the one reason why people hate christians! Don't you see your becoming them? Soon Atheists will be making leaflets and weird boards quoting Richard Dawkins and standing out on the street telling us were all doomed. Atheism seems to be becoming a cult in itself, and that's not what Atheism should be about.

Why do you care so much weather other people believe in God? No one gives a **** that you don't believe in God so stop pressuring your beliefs on other people, you sound like a boring old Christian.

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I believe in God, and I always used to get sick of people ranting onto me about christianity and how wonderful it was and how its saved them and how I would be so much happier if I were christian.

It seems like now I DO believe in God, the Christians have shut up and atheists have turned into the new Christians Its the one reason why people hate christians! Don't you see your becoming them? Soon Atheists will be making leaflets and weird boards quoting Richard Dawkins and standing out on the street telling us were all doomed. Atheism seems to be becoming a cult in itself, and that's not what Atheism should be about.

Why do you care so much weather other people believe in God? No one gives a **** that you don't believe in God so stop pressuring your beliefs on other people, you sound like a boring old Christian.

I don't hate Christians and I would hazard a guess that a non believer that does hate Christians would be a rare sight to behold. You will rarely see me post here unless its to make a very valid point or more important to correct misconceptions that those who do believe in god hold about those that don't which is something i come across quite often in threads like these. That includes the misconception that atheists hate god or the people that believe in the concept... :P
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I believe in God, and I always used to get sick of people ranting onto me about christianity and how wonderful it was and how its saved them and how I would be so much happier if I were christian.

It seems like now I DO believe in God, the Christians have shut up and atheists have turned into the new Christians Its the one reason why people hate christians! Don't you see your becoming them? Soon Atheists will be making leaflets and weird boards quoting Richard Dawkins and standing out on the street telling us were all doomed. Atheism seems to be becoming a cult in itself, and that's not what Atheism should be about.

Why do you care so much weather other people believe in God? No one gives a **** that you don't believe in God so stop pressuring your beliefs on other people, you sound like a boring old Christian.


This is a topic which people are free to join if they want, it's not being pressured on anybody. The reason why it's so big is because the religious people (christians and others) keep producing ridiculous arguments which contradict their previous comments.


The way you feel about christians is the way we feel about all religions, because they all push and slam not religious free thinking people. I personally find muslims worse than christians, when watching some of these debate programs the way they try to dictate their view of how people should be is horrendous.


But if you notice Katie, you fell into the trap of 'pushing' your view, just as we all are, but that's what an opinion is all about. I believe if one person finds some garb as trendy (even for one night) then that's fine with me, I may agree or disagree, but really my opinion is irrelevant, it's when people (generally religious) push their autocratic views and try to force me in to conforming to their beliefs is what gets me goat.

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I believe in God, and I always used to get sick of people ranting onto me about christianity and how wonderful it was and how its saved them and how I would be so much happier if I were christian.

It seems like now I DO believe in God, the Christians have shut up and atheists have turned into the new Christians Its the one reason why people hate christians! Don't you see your becoming them? Soon Atheists will be making leaflets and weird boards quoting Richard Dawkins and standing out on the street telling us were all doomed. Atheism seems to be becoming a cult in itself, and that's not what Atheism should be about.

Why do you care so much weather other people believe in God? No one gives a **** that you don't believe in God so stop pressuring your beliefs on other people, you sound like a boring old Christian.



Sigh....have you read any of the rest of this thread?


When religion (not just xtianity, but certainly including xtianity) stops influencing politics, medicine, teaching, science, etc. you'll hear a deafening silence from most atheists.


If personal faith were just personal and internal and was not used to justify seats in parliament for bishops, special rules for homophobic/sexist/racist believers (a lot of the time they fail to get these special rules, but they still try), teaching creationism in schools, censorship of non-religious views, censorship of 'blasphemous' or critical views, segregation of children by faith group, attacks on medical science advances (stem cell research, etc.), and so and so on....

then most atheists would lose interest in criticising religion.

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Sigh....have you read any of the rest of this thread?


When religion (not just xtianity, but certainly including xtianity) stops influencing politics, medicine, teaching, science, etc. you'll hear a deafening silence from most atheists.


If personal faith were just personal and internal and was not used to justify seats in parliament for bishops, special rules for homophobic/sexist/racist believers (a lot of the time they fail to get these special rules, but they still try), teaching creationism in schools, censorship of non-religious views, censorship of 'blasphemous' or critical views, segregation of children by faith group, attacks on medical science advances (stem cell research, etc.), and so and so on....

then most atheists would lose interest in criticising religion.


It's true, I only answered because I thought meem looks cute in her profile picture and I will want to have a family one day, survival of the fittest an' all that...

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