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God does NOT exist!

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I believe in God, and I always used to get sick of people ranting onto me about christianity and how wonderful it was and how its saved them and how I would be so much happier if I were christian.

It seems like now I DO believe in God, the Christians have shut up and atheists have turned into the new Christians Its the one reason why people hate christians!


It's called observation bias.


Don't you see your becoming them? Soon Atheists will be making leaflets and weird boards quoting Richard Dawkins and standing out on the street telling us were all doomed. [/Quote]

I highly doubt it, seeing as Atheism, doesn't have an eschatology based on the end of the world.


Atheism seems to be becoming a cult in itself, and that's not what Atheism should be about.[/Quote]

Becoming a cult? Hardly.


Why do you care so much weather other people believe in God? No one gives a **** that you don't believe in God so stop pressuring your beliefs on other people, you sound like a boring old Christian.


Why? We live in a society soaked through with religion and religious thought. It affects us whether we believe its tenants or not. And if we see it affecting us or our society in a negative way we are compelled to do something about it. Many opt to lash out and destroy such malignancy as they perceive.

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Sigh....have you read any of the rest of this thread?


When religion (not just xtianity, but certainly including xtianity) stops influencing politics, medicine, teaching, science, etc. you'll hear a deafening silence from most atheists.


If personal faith were just personal and internal and was not used to justify seats in parliament for bishops, special rules for homophobic/sexist/racist believers (a lot of the time they fail to get these special rules, but they still try), teaching creationism in schools, censorship of non-religious views, censorship of 'blasphemous' or critical views, segregation of children by faith group, attacks on medical science advances (stem cell research, etc.), and so and so on....

then most atheists would lose interest in criticising religion.


Well said EB

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Atheism has nothing, offers nothing, believes nothing, is nothing. The nothing people have nothing to talk about and as you cannot talk about nothing they talk about God proving He exists.




Still missing that source from antiquity Grahame.

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Atheism has nothing, offers nothing, believes nothing, is nothing. The nothing people have nothing to talk about and as you cannot talk about nothing they talk about God proving He exists.




Actually I prefer scientific debates, anything non-fiction really...

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