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God does NOT exist!

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I do not care. I am beginning to hate atheists and you only have yourselves to blame. Now why don't you do as it says on another thread and stop bothering God.




Impossible, he doesn't exist.

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I do not care. I am beginning to hate atheists and you only have yourselves to blame.


I won't blame myself for something that is quite clearly your problem.


You should take a leaf from your more reasonable brethren like Circa and Rich_Siddall's books.


Also, shouldn't you care quite a lot about what Jesus would think of you?

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Go away and get lost.
lookd like the facade is cracking. Grahame may be approaching a point of conceptual breakthrough; he's given up trying to argue 'rationally' (i'm being polite here) and has resorted to sticking his fingers in his ears and telling all the nasty atheists to go away.


Come on grahame, you can do it. That anguish you feel is the light of reason clearing away all the cobwebs of delusion. You know you can't back up your claims about the census, and all the other rational arguments you've read on this thread are starting to make sense; the walls of your cognitive dissonance are crumbling!


Just a few more mental steps into the light and you can begin the slow walk to recovering your scepticism, that feature of the human mind which is probably it's strongest asset (besides empathy/love).



We're all rooting for you......

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lookd like the facade is cracking. Grahame may be approaching a point of conceptual breakthrough; he's given up trying to argue 'rationally' (i'm being polite here) and has resorted to sticking his fingers in his ears and telling all the nasty atheists to go away.


Come on grahame, you can do it. That anguish you feel is the light of reason clearing away all the cobwebs of delusion. You know you can't back up your claims about the census, and all the other rational arguments you've read on this thread are starting to make sense; the walls of your cognitive dissonance are crumbling!


Just a few more mental steps into the light and you can begin the slow walk to recovering your scepticism, that feature of the human mind which is probably it's strongest asset (besides empathy/love).



We're all rooting for you......


Stupid post.

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