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You talk total rubbish and your only reason for being here is to dishonour Jesus Christ and I am not going to sit here and let you slander someone I love.




Grahame, please show me where I once slandered the name of Jesus Christ, go on, quote me ad verbatim where I slandered the name of Jesus Christ.


The thing is tho, I doubt you will find an instance, the only thing I have levied arguments against, was your claim that the bible was inerrant. And against Bazooka's post.


But you know what, let's do a search of this thread and my name and the subject Jesus, let's see what comes up:




Funny Grahame, all of my posts that have mentioned Jesus have been within an historic context, where the main focus was the narrative presented of Luke and Matthew.


Now Grahame, if you are going to claim I slandered Jesus, go ahead present the case.


Or do you want this to be another case of your dishonesty, hell it isn't even you been intellectually dishonest, it's you straight out lying in an attempt to get one up on me, sadly it doesn't work, and just goes on to illustrate your true character.

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Grahame, please show me where I once slandered the name of Jesus Christ, go on, quote me ad verbatim where I slandered the name of Jesus Christ.


The thing is tho, I doubt you will find an instance, the only think I have levied arguments against, was your claim that the bible was inerrant. And against Bazooka's post.


But you know what, let's do a search of this thread and my name and the subject Jesus, let's see what comes up:




Funny Grahame, all of my posts that have mentioned Jesus have been within an historic context, where the main focus was the narrative presented of Luke and Matthew.


Now Grahame, if you are going to claim I slandered Jesus, go ahead present the case.


Or do you want this to be another case of your dishonesty, hell it isn't even you been intellectually dishonest, it's you straight out lying in an attempt to get one up on me, sadly it doesn't work, and just goes on to illustrate your true character.


Jesus is the Christ, the promised messiah and all you have done is to dishonour Him by disputing the Bible. That is your aim and that is the tactic you are using.



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Look EB you do not believe in God so leave those who do in peace. You have no right at all to go telling people what to believe or to dictate to them or try to influence them or to try to bring Christianity down. What you are doing is disgusting and it is wrong.



It's not like i'm round your house ramming it down your throat, is it? This is an online forum; you have to come to it, it doesn't come to you.

If you can't handle the debate, don't log in. You've clearly given trying to actually make any reasonable arguments; i think it's safe to say you've lost every point you've tried to make. Resorting to abuse just underlines your failure.


But for all that, if there is another reason why you've just freaked out this afternoon, please accept my best wishes.

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Jesus is the Christ, the promised messiah and all you have done is to dishonour Him by disputing the Bible. That is your aim and that is the tactic you are using.




Sorry Grahame, but levying a point that the bible isn't inerrant isn't slander against Jesus, how about you go look up the word slander, come back when you have actually learnt what it means and then back up your claim that I slandered him.

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It's not like i'm round your house ramming it down your throat, is it? This is an online forum; you have to come to it, it doesn't come to you.

If you can't handle the debate, don't log in. You've clearly given trying to actually make any reasonable arguments; i think it's safe to say you've lost every point you've tried to make. Resorting to abuse just underlines your failure.


But for all that, if there is another reason why you've just freaked out this afternoon, please accept my best wishes.


You are ramming it down everyone's throat and you and people like you do nothing but complain about Christians, well I do not ram it down anyone's throat I only defend my beliefs and give my reasons very patiently just to have them ignored by people who talk total rubbish like Aesop's fables for example or the Loch Ness Monster, or fairies at the bottom of the garden. You atheists talk total rubish, and all you are is a bunch of people who want to impose their own unbelief on other people while they call Christians hypocrites. The reality is that the boot is on the other foot but you are too blinded with the plank of wood in your own atheist eye to see it and it is you who are the hypocrites. And I will log on to defend my faith because I am not going to have it belittled.



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Sorry Grahame, but levying a point that the bible isn't inerrant isn't slander against Jesus, how about you go look up the word slander, come back when you have actually learnt what it means and then back up your claim that I slandered him.


You cannot even accept the fact that by belittling the Bible you are belittling Christianity.

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You cannot even accept the fact that by belittling the Bible you are belittling Christianity.


I thought Christianity was founded on Jesus not the Bible.


Where did I belittle the Bible, I pointed out it isn't inerrant, something Christian scholars and clergy accept, are they belittling the bible, are they slandering Jesus, want me to name them?

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You are ramming it down everyone's throat and you and people like you do nothing but complain about Christians, well I do not ram it down anyone's throat I only defend my beliefs and give my reasons very patiently just to have them ignored by people who talk total rubbish like Aesop's fables for example or the Loch Ness Monster, or fairies at the bottom of the garden. You atheists talk total rubish, and all you are is a bunch of people who want to impose their own unbelief on other people while they call Christians hypocrites. The reality is that the boot is on the other foot but you are too blinded with the plank of wood in your own atheist eye to see it and it is you who are the hypocrites. And I will log on to defend my faith because I am not going to have it belittled.



OK. How about getting back in the game with some convincing evidence for the existence of god, or historicity of Jesus. Perhaps a solution for the problem of synoptic gospel inconsistencies, the disparity between the bloodthirsty yhvh of the old testament (yes, I know it's a Judaic text, but you profess to believe in that same god) and the 'lamb of god', some clarity on the existence of hell (metaphorical/actual), the provenance of 'objective' morality...c'mon, give us something substantial to work with.

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I thought Christianity was founded on Jesus not the Bible.


Where did I belittle the Bible, I pointed out it isn't inerrant, something Christian scholars and clergy accept, are they belittling the bible, are they slandering Jesus, want me to name them?


I have had enough of you and your nonsense.



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