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God does NOT exist!

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I knew the answer really Matt - was hoping to engage EbonyBranch in a discussion about it is all - it strikes me as being a rather childlike attempt to be disrespectful toward other people's beliefs and in any event doesn't sound phonetically anything like the word it's supposed to represent. If you were to say it aloud it'd be something like 'extian' which doesn't make a deal of sense, in the same that saying 'exmas' cards doesn't make sense.


Why didn't you just google it? Why did you assume it's offensive?



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The more pertinent question would be if he had the power to end cancer and famine why create it in the first place? Or maybe the problems of cancer and famine may be man made ones and as such we have to find the answers our selves.


I suspect that one of the reasons that he didn't answer your prayers was that you don't believe in him anyway.


Does he always answer the prayers of believers, then?

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How do you know that he hasn't given the information on how to end cancer and famine to someone being born today, to answer your prayers?


Why would he run the world in such a way as to make himself invisible? if he wants us to know and love him, shouldn't he make himself known?

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yeah i agree with that, thats why some people rant about stuff....instead of sitting down and thinking about it rationally and logically.

they see things in pure black and white, either this or that......forgetting about all the shades of grey in between.


i dont believe theres a god......but then i cant prove he doesnt exist, similer to those who cant prove he exists.

the only time we'll find out for sure is when we pop it, then we'll find out whos wasted their lives


My earlier posts from last night may lead to the conclusion, that I only see the black and white.


The grey area [for me] would revolve around the bold there.


Providing I live my life without committing offenses that are looked down upon by people who do believe in him, and the teachings of his son (or in other words, the bloody obvious, in most cases). Would I be judged on my good actions? or whether I chose a path of religion to learn the same things.


If I was sent 'down there' for doing nothing bad (sinful) in life, I would have no respect for his beliefs, and he can send me where he wants.



You should be ashamed of yourself, all that on one sandwich :hihi:



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The more pertinent question would be if he had the power to end cancer and famine why create it in the first place? Or maybe the problems of cancer and famine may be man made ones and as such we have to find the answers our selves.


I suspect that one of the reasons that he didn't answer your prayers was that you don't believe in him anyway.


Hmmm, Very conveinient dont you think?

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Does he always answer the prayers of believers, then?


Who knows?


I was christened, and confirmed, there was a period of around 6 years where I lost faith altogether.

But I know this much, it is rare, very rare that I'll ask for anything whilst praying.

And 9 in 10 times that I do ask for anything, i ask for nothing more than my own understanding.

Passing prayers for people is not about asking God to work his miracles for the ops satisfaction, the devil tempted Jesus many times.


Why would he run the world in such a way as to make himself invisible? if he wants us to know and love him, shouldn't he make himself known?


He is known.

Shouldn't you try and get to know him?

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My earlier posts from last night may lead to the conclusion, that I only see the black and white.


The grey area [for me] would revolve around the bold there.


Providing I live my life without committing offenses that are looked down upon by people who do believe in him, and the teachings of his son (or in other words, the bloody obvious, in most cases). Would I be judged on my good actions? or whether I chose a path of religion to learn the same things.


If I was sent 'down there' for doing nothing bad (sinful) in life, I would have no respect for his beliefs, and he can send me where he wants.







Just briefly and this is my own personal view I think the Hell Fire that Jesus spoke about were the pagan sacrifices of living children in the valley of Hell just outside Jerusalem. As I say this is a purely personal view but I think those of us who are cremated will go through the same experience of Hell Fire and seeing as we are dead there is nothing to worry about.


Having said that I do think there will be a time when we have to answer, but don't ask me how because I don't know. :)


Last but not least we are told that although Jesus advocated we help each other great emphasis is made of the fact that salvation is free,


"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."


(Ephesians chapter 2 and many others like it.)


So basically it is our belief and acceptance of him that saves along with the confession of our sins.



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