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God does NOT exist!

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what is the evidence that all theists believe in god because they feel wanted/loved/needed? this piece of "research" on the subject doesn't ring too true with me.


If you go back and read my post you will see I never said that all theists believe in god because they feel wanted/loved/needed. You can add to that the idea that they can be saved from eternal damnation and, as far as a lot of the clergy is concerned, believing in god because it gives them a wage at the end of the month and certain priveleges that are denied to the rest of us.

Maybe you'd like to explain why you believe in a god Circa?

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This statement just shows that some of us must be wired differently

I find the sheer pleasure in learning and the potential to learn to be 'spiritually' uplifting enough. From the moment I watched Neil Armstrong step on the moon with my parents, to the moment I discussed the Herschel and Planck space telescopes and the possibilities that lie ahead with my children yesterday. Isn't this 'healthy' enough?


Far better than claiming 'truths', or seeking for 'truths' that exist outside life and are unattainable.


Far better for you, because you haven't ever had any conviction about the existence of god, but not far better for me, because i have. So I would have to live in denial of what I know to be true, to do it your way.


Your statement reminds me of a beat poem by the comedian Tim Minchin:



Look it up.



And this poem - of though very clever and amusing in places, reminds me of why it's often better not to bother locking antlers with an athiest. Although I'm nothing like the character portrayed in Storm, I see at once that Tim Minchin's poem is stuffed full of stereotypes and cliches and the type of derisive pompous humour that really gets my goat. That anyone who believes in anything spiritually must be mentally ill, fear knowledge and have a problem with science - or believe that homeopathy is the best form of medicine.

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NB You amended your original post by changing the wording Grahame! :rolleyes:


Thank you for your advice. I tried looking up Jesus the Greatest Physician in the telephone book, but couldn't find his number listed for some reason. :huh:


I've now rung the out of hours GP service, and a doctor is going to ring me back within an hour. At least the doctor's service is listed in the phone book when you need them. :thumbsup:


I have not changed anything, look at your original post.




As for the great physician, he cams to heal the sick in heart and as you have implied on previous occasions you are whiter than white except what you just said about me changing text when I have not. The great physician can be by your side 24 hours a day if you want Him to be but you have rejected Him and He knows you not. For "they that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." [Mar 2:17]


Being a sinner includes each and everyone of us and that means you and your father, but as you have said before you have your own morals.



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This was pointed out by a retired Anglican medical missionary, Marian Sherman, who said last fall: “I became an atheist very largely because of the terrible suffering of Indian women who had never done anything to deserve it. How could an all-loving God allow this to happen? And we’ve had two ghastly world wars. It just doesn’t make sense.”


Not a few persons reason this way. A loving God, they feel, would not allow human suffering; and since suffering exists, they conclude, there must not be a God who is loving. Is this conclusion justified?


No, it is not. The existence of wickedness and the suffering it has brought to mankind does not arbitrarily rule that a God of love does not exist. Such a view overlooks entirely man’s responsibility. It is like a patient who ignores a doctor’s instructions, and then denies the existence of the doctor because he is suffering. Or it is like a machinist who refuses to follow the manufacturer’s advice, and then, when his tools do not function properly, denies that the manufacturer exists. In such cases it would be foolish to question the existence of a compassionate doctor or a skilled manufacturer. The individual himself is to blame for the suffering and trouble.


It is similar with mankind today. The inspired Scriptures show that Jehovah God created the first human pair perfect, with the prospect of enjoying life in an earthly paradise as long as they lived. This provision was an evidence of God’s love. But when mankind refused to follow God’s instructions, they suffered the consequences. This did not mean a loving God does not exist. God had warned them in advance what would happen; so it was man, not God, that was responsible for the suffering, sickness and death that followed.—Gen. 1:27, 28; Deut. 32:4, 5; Eccl. 7:29.


True, it would not be loving to allow this suffering to continue indefinitely. And this God has no intention of doing. Human wickedness and suffering have been tolerated only because an issue was raised in the garden of Eden. One of God’s spirit creatures, identified in the Bible as Satan the Devil, influenced the first human pair, Adam and Eve, to disobey God. This called into question God’s creatorship and his justice in demanding obedience as a condition for life and yet seemingly not creating man with the capability of remaining loyal to God.


So God has allowed a set period of time to settle this question of whether men can remain faithful under test. This period is now about up. Very soon Satan and all the human suffering he has been responsible for will be eliminated. It is the loving Creator who will provide this relief by ushering obedient mankind into a righteous new system of things.—2*Pet. 3:13; Rev. 12:12.

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"I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator. By warding off the Jews and Socialists, I am fighting for the Lord's work."


Adolph Hitler 1936 in a speech in the Reichstag. Source


And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will

of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am

defending the handiwork of the Lord.


Adolph Hitler Mein Kampf Chapter 2


But if for reasons of indolence or cowardice this fight is not fought to

a finish we may imagine what conditions will be like 500 years hence.

Little of God's image will be left in human nature, except to mock the



Adolph Hitler Mein Kampf Chapter 2


In short, the results of miscegenation are always the following: (a) The level of the superior race becomes lowered; (b) physical and mental degeneration sets in, thus leading slowly but steadily towards a progressive drying up of the vital sap. The act which brings about such a development is a sin against the will of the Eternal Creator. And as a sin this act will be avenged.


- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 11


Hitler was a Christian and a Creationist. His bizarre views on what he considered to be the human races make no scientific sense and are utterly incompatible with the theory of evolution through natural selection.


Hitler faked and twisted Christianity like you and your fellow atheists but the truth will always come out, as it did when Hitler began murdering true Christians.



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No, you evaded a different question, so i rephrased it.


You have repeatedly been caught out 'lying for jesus' on this forum.

You defend genocide, yet have the cheek to trundle out the old lies about Darwinism leading to Naziism.

You throw insults around in lieu of making actual arguments.

Your posts are peppered with logical fallacies.

When caught out in an apparent lie, you ignore all requests for clarification.

You appear to think that xtians you disagree with are not xtians.

Now you're spouting scripture (again) as though it somehow wins the argument, knowing full well that it means nothing to most of those reading.

Given the lies, evasions, fallaciousness and ignorance you displayed here, why should we believe anything you say? Hearing scripture coming from someone so dishonest just undermines scripture.


You mean you cannot fault me or the Bible so you resort to abuse and telling lies which is what they did with Jesus. The Bible is the foundation of Christianity which is why I quote it and if you are going to find fault you need to show it.



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It is similar with mankind today. The inspired Scriptures show that Jehovah God created the first human pair perfect, with the prospect of enjoying life in an earthly paradise as long as they lived. This provision was an evidence of God’s love. But when mankind refused to follow God’s instructions, they suffered the consequences. This did not mean a loving God does not exist. God had warned them in advance what would happen; so it was man, not God, that was responsible for the suffering, sickness and death that followed.—Gen. 1:27, 28; Deut. 32:4, 5; Eccl. 7:29.


This is the same argument that Al Qaida used to justify crashing two planes into the world trade centre on 9/11


"Get out of Iraq or suffer the consequences"


I don't agree with them or you.

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Mr G, your like no other christian I know, you take the mostest drugs ever...


Thank you for the compliment. I believe in God because He works through me by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is how I know he lives. He lives in my heart and I prove him in my daily life.


We sing "How Great is My God" because he is greater than any drug can ever be.


Look after yourself. :)



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This is the same argument that Al Qaida used to justify crashing two planes into the world trade centre on 9/11


"Get out of Iraq or suffer the consequences"


I don't agree with them or you.


Please read what i've said again in context. I believe you've misunderstood what I am saying.


God is a loving creator who does not agree with Al Qaida.


The solution for the oppressed of the earth is not in resorting to acts of terrorism but in the fulfillment of God’s sure promise: “The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it.”—Proverbs 2:21,*22.


This promise of God will soon be fulfilled. His ruler, the resurrected Jesus Christ, will see to that. A Bible prophecy says regarding this One: “With righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, and with uprightness he must give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth. And he must strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the spirit of his lips he will put the wicked one to death.”—Isaiah 11:4.


Yes, God’s Son Jesus Christ will soon eliminate all injustice, as well as those responsible for it. In God’s righteous new system, terrorism and violence of every kind will be things of the past. Then everyone on earth will live in security, free from fear of any harm.—Revelation 21:3,*4.

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