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Grahame still waiting for you to name one, just one of these "unbelieving atheists" that voted against these God fearing Christians.


f0rd, just one thing at a time will you?


I'm still waiting for his proof on your Herod question.



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.....As for the great physician, he cams to heal the sick in heart.....


I'm not "sick in heart" Grahame. As I explained last night, I was suffering from excruitating facial pain.


The great physician can be by your side 24 hours a day if you want Him to be but you have rejected Him and He knows you not. For "they that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." [Mar 2:17]


I'm not looking for some kind of night nurse Grahame, but pain relief.


Anyway, I saw my doctor this morning, was given a diagnosis and a presciption for various medicines. That will suffice nicely and hopefully make me better.


Seems a better offer than the one you've made - what good to me is a "great physician" if he can't treat my symptoms and is only interested in my repenting? :loopy:

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f0rd, just one thing at a time will you?


I'm still waiting for his proof on your Herod question.




If you are at all serious you can do your own research. There was a census for taxation purposes every 14 years. Get used to it.


For the last time if Christians campaigned to have slavery made abolished, who would they be opposed by? It wouldn't be Christians.



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If you are at all serious you can do your own research.


For the last time if Christians campaigned to have slavery made abolished, who would they be opposed by? It wouldn't be Christians.


Yes it would, you have reached new levels of stupidity here now Grahame.


Christianity is not a unified body as you so eloquently prove by claiming that everyone except you and Jesus isn't one.

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If you are at all serious you can do your own research. There was a census for taxation purposes every 14 years. Get used to it.




No there wasn't, as I demonstrated with academic resources, still you have failed again on numerous requests to provide a source from antiquity where this census of Herod is even mentioned, so if you would care to now?

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I'm not "sick in heart" Grahame. As I explained last night, I was suffering from excruitating facial pain.




I'm not looking for some kind of night nurse Grahame, but pain relief.


Anyway, I saw my doctor this morning, was given a diagnosis and a presciption for various medicines. That will suffice nicely and hopefully make me better.


Seems a better offer than the one you've made - what good to me is a "great physician" if he can't treat my symptoms and is only interested in my repenting? :loopy:


That is a question only you can answer for yourself. But like everyone else you need to examine yourself truthfully and honestly.



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Yes it would, you have reached new levels of stupidity here now Grahame.


Christianity is not a unified body as you so eloquently prove by claiming that everyone except you and Jesus isn't one.


They called themselves Christians so that removes everyone with religious inclinations.





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They called themselves Christians so that removes everyone with religious inclinations.

No it doesn't



All the other Christians as well as people of other religions and atheists.


Do you have evidence that every single Christian in the world was opposed to slavery? Because if not then your argument doesn't hold any water and my comment that you have sunken to new levels of stupidity stands.

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No it doesn't


All the other Christians as well as people of other religions and atheists.


Do you have evidence that every single Christian in the world was opposed to slavery? Because if not then your argument doesn't hold any water and my comment that you have sunken to new levels of stupidity stands.


It says CHRISTIANS brought in a bill to abolish slavery. Stop this silly blustering that is so typical of atheists, and stop insulting people as well.



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