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God does NOT exist!

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Yes a lot of people who were against slavery may well have believed in God and will have called themselves Christians.


Those who voted in favour of slavery were the ship owners, the slave traders and anyone else who stood to make a profit financially. Taking people captive, branding them with hot irons (I have seen them) treating them intolerably and throwing them overboard to their certain death if they saw a government patrol vessels is far from being a Christian act.


Personally I think that if anyone is a "God fearing person" then obviously they are going to believe in God and that will limit the extent of their actions, but If you take that away as atheists do then there is nothing stopping them from committing the most horrible offences against humanity other than their own sense of right and wrong, but some of these people had such hard hearts their first and only thought was one of profit and to them the slaves were nothing more than cattle.


It is not hard to harden your heart and if you talk to a fireman or someone who has to deal with motorway accidents and cut dead bodies from smashed up cars, they will tell you that in order to be able to sleep at night they have to look on those dead people simply as either dead cattle or inanimate objects. They have to for their own sanity but these slave traders chose to treat these people as they did of their own free will and shutting themselves off from God and denying His existence and the possibility of divine retribution was the way to do it and that would make them atheists, obviously their are very nice atheists as well who will do anything to help another human being, but these were atheists of the worst sort.




Hi Grahame. As a xtian, you must know the bible pretty well, right? I bet you've read Genesis a few times. It's odd that you are ignoring the 'curse of Ham', also known as 'the curse of Canaan'. I'm sure it couldn't possibly be the case that you know all about it but have deliberately not mentioned it! Why, that would be tantamount to lying! No true xtian would lie like that!


Just in case it's slipped your memory, the curse of Ham/Canaan is the scriptural[b/] basis for slavery. It allows god-fearing xtians to enslave and mistreat people with black skins. I suggest anyone unfamiliar with this particular piece of religious drivel google it or look it up on wikipedia.


Where shall I send the crayons? ;)

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Hi Grahame. As a xtian, you must know the bible pretty well, right? I bet you've read Genesis a few times. It's odd that you are ignoring the 'curse of Ham', also known as 'the curse of Canaan'. I'm sure it couldn't possibly be the case that you know all about it but have deliberately not mentioned it! Why, that would be tantamount to lying! No true xtian would lie like that!


Just in case it's slipped your memory, the curse of Ham/Canaan is the scriptural basis for slavery. It allows god-fearing xtians to enslave and mistreat people with black skins. I suggest anyone unfamiliar with this particular piece of religious drivel google it or look it up on wikipedia.


Where shall I send the crayons? ;)


"The "curse of Ham" had been used by some members of Abrahamic religions to justify racism and the enslavement of people of Black African ancestry, who were believed to be descendants of Ham. They were often called Hamites and were believed to have descended through Canaan or his older brothers. This racist theory was widely held during the 18th-20th centuries, but it has been largely abandoned since the mid-20th century."

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Hi Grahame. As a xtian, you must know the bible pretty well, right? I bet you've read Genesis a few times. It's odd that you are ignoring the 'curse of Ham', also known as 'the curse of Canaan'. I'm sure it couldn't possibly be the case that you know all about it but have deliberately not mentioned it! Why, that would be tantamount to lying! No true xtian would lie like that!


Just in case it's slipped your memory, the curse of Ham/Canaan is the scriptural[b/] basis for slavery. It allows god-fearing xtians to enslave and mistreat people with black skins. I suggest anyone unfamiliar with this particular piece of religious drivel google it or look it up on wikipedia.


Where shall I send the crayons? ;)


Yes Noah could see it coming. Ham was a bad lot. The commandment to "Honour your father and mother" was taken very seriously and Ham laughingly talked and joked about his fathers nakedness showing how disrespectful he was towards his father, perhaps even interfering with his father sexually?


Poor old Noah when he found out what Ham had been doing swore at Ham and prophetically predicted that Hams brothers Shem and Japeth who had looked after their father would do well for themselves while the disreputable Ham or at least his son Canaan would end up in slavery. And so it happened. Events proved Noah right and it is true that we are often our own worst enemy. The Canaanites were notorious for their immorality. Slavery was common and there had always been servants, OT slavery was nothing like modern slavery and Noah could see the way Ham was headed and it is often the case of like father like son, Cain being the son of Ham, and the plight of the Canaanites serves to highlight the accuracy of the Historical record of the Bible and should be a warning to all those who disobey the commandments of God.


If you cannot respect your parents then you will probably respect no one, and gradually the downward slide begins leading to all sorts of immorality. You can often see it in teenagers today and can guess where they are headed and so it was with Hams son Canaan. He reaped what he sowed and nowhere is it implied that white people should take black people into slavery. That is the work of the slave traders whose nefarious activities Christians sought to overturn, the Christian teaching being that we should treat others with respect, with love and as equals, for Christ's message is for ALL people and all nations.



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Stop this silly blustering that is so typical of atheists, and stop insulting people as well.


That's a bit rich coming from you Grahame!


Let me remind you of but a few of your own insulting posts....


...Learn will you, learn before you talk rubbish like you do with Christianity.


Wash your mouth out.


You talk total rubbish.....


.....You are disgusting.


.....What you are doing is disgusting and it is wrong.


Go away and get lost.


Getting annoyed with the nothing people.


Then do them nothing person.


How can I care about the nothing people.


.....Mr Branch is talking, what's that smell?


You need to wash your mouth out.


There's something in your bible about hypocrites. You'll find it at Matthew 7, 1-5.

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If you go about two minutes into this vid it goes into "How Great Thou Art" which is one of my all-time favourites as well.



This might be a better rendition






Thank you for the links, but as it happens I'm word perfect on the hymn 'How Great Thou Art'.


I was intrigued by your assertion that 'We sing "How Great is My God"'. I don't know this hymn at all. Can you provide me with a link to it please.

Thank you.

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That's a bit rich coming from you Grahame!


Let me remind you of but a few of your own insulting posts....


There's something in your bible about hypocrites. You'll find it at Matthew 7, 1-5.



So straight talking is now hypocrisy is it? Well I never, how people twist things which is what he was doing.



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Thank you for the links, but as it happens I'm word perfect on the hymn 'How Great Thou Art'.


I was intrigued by your assertion that 'We sing "How Great is My God"'. I don't know this hymn at all. Can you provide me with a link to it please.

Thank you.


I just have. Twice. Here is another link for How Great is our God.




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So straight talking is now hypocrisy is it? Well I never, how people twist things which is what he was doing.




Lol. What happened to, 'do as you would be done by'?


You're just as (if not more) insulting to people who don't believe in your beliefs as they are of you.


At least we have rational thought and science on OUR side.

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