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God does NOT exist!

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;5018671']... just to add. If there's anything i DO get religious about its images like these.




What you are looking at is an image of the sun taken though a 13cm telescope with a solar filter. Nothing too extraordinary about that? But take a look near the bottom left hand corner of the sun and you will notice 2 specks. What are they? Small sun spots? Flecks or dirt on the lens? pictorial artefacts?


No. Take a closer look at one of those specks. What if i were to tell you one of those dots is the space shuttle Atlantis during its STS-125 mission to upgrade and repair the Hubble space telescope? Do you see what you're looking at now? That picture was taken by an amateur astronomer which shows the transit of the space shuttle Atlantis a few minutes before 'grapple lock' onto the Hubble space telescope which happens to be the smaller speck of the two. I find such images far more revelatory of our place in this universe than any ancient muddled bronze age text could ever attempt to be.


Yes Mat the universe is truly amazing and so is the omnipotent power that fashioned it, and the fact we are only looking at a tiny fraction makes it all the more wonderful. No wonder Christians sing "How Great is our God." :thumbsup:



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Nope, you're wrong. There were perfectly rational reasons why people wanted a man to walk in front of a car carrying a red flag: it was because at the time it was, rightly (rationally) judged to be appropriate behaviour in order to warn other users of an extraordinary vehicle travelling at unusual speed.


I don't rule out the possibility of eventual life on Venus. However, I don't 'believe' in the concept, I am merely aware of the (albeit vague) possibility.


Your analagy, Grahame, is akin to my saying that I 'believed' in the concept of life on Venus, as opposed to my saying that I was open to the possibility that proof exists.


So you say it is rational for a man to walk in front of a car carrying a red flag. I see. This is what I mean about atheists. I will stick with what I said in the first place about it being stupid. :)



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So you say it is rational for a man to walk in front of a car carrying a red flag. I see. This is what I mean about atheists. I will stick with what I said in the first place about it being stupid. :)




It was irrational of our grandparents to laugh at the thought of people flying.


It was irrational for a man to walk in front of a car carrying a red flag.



Uh, no, Grahame, what you actually said was that it was irrational.


This is what I mean about Christians; they don't see what others see and make things up to suit their own agenda. :)

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Uh, no, Grahame, what you actually said was that it was irrational.


This is what I mean about Christians; they don't see what others see and make things up to suit their own agenda. :)



Originally Posted by Grahame viewpost.gif

So you say it is rational for a man to walk in front of a car carrying a red flag. I see. This is what I mean about atheists. I will stick with what I said in the first place about it being stupid. :)



Originally Posted by Grahame viewpost.gif

It was irrational of our grandparents to laugh at the thought of people flying.


It was irrational for a man to walk in front of a car carrying a red flag.


I said it was irrational for our grandparents to laugh at the thought of people flying and likewise it is irrational for them to walk in front of a moving car.


You said it was rational for a man to walk in front of a moving car and I said that was stupid. Do you understand now. :)



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;5018666']You of all people accusing others of being closed minded pretty much takes the biscuit. I am more than open to the idea and possibility of a god or deity but refuse to believe in one until decent evidence is put forward and such a discovery is made. You however are so closed minded that wont even consider the possibility of their NOT being a god and that in turns means you are clueless as to what the phrase open minded actually MEANS. I suggest you watch this video if you want to learn a thing or two about the proper use of scepticism when combined with the willingness to consider new ideas...



I enjoyed the video Matt about open mindedness and he is saying you have a closed mind on the basis you do not believe in God due to lack of evidence when really you should be keeping an open mind pending such evidence.


Personally I think asking for proof of God is a stumbling block. I am a Christian because I know He was real and I can read about Him. :)



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I said it was irrational for our grandparents to laugh at the thought of people flying and likewise it is irrational for them to walk in front of a moving car.


You said it was rational for a man to walk in front of a moving car and I said that was stupid. Do you understand now. :)




You really don't seem to understand the meaning of the word 'rational'. How someone whose posting persona on the forum is based on defending the irrational can criticise other people's rational (based on the situation at the time) behaviour beats me.


What is there about believing that a particular god exists that can be described as 'rational', Grahame? You even have to use the word 'believe' to describe your faith. People don't 'believe' that 2+2 make 4, or that the sea is liquid. They are absolutely provable assertions. Unlike the existence of gods, fairies, angels or Father Christmas.

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It's irrational to believe in something for which you have no evidence.

Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.


Don't let your brain fall out, like when people have evidence about STi but don't take precautions.


The top and bottom of it is that either with or without evidence people believe what they want, and do what they want and no amount of rational argument can stop them even if they have the evidence in front of them.


That is when they let their brain fall out and it happens all the time in the back seats of cars for example.



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You really don't seem to understand the meaning of the word 'rational'. How someone whose posting persona on the forum is based on defending the irrational can criticise other people's rational (based on the situation at the time) behaviour beats me.


What is there about believing that a particular god exists that can be described as 'rational', Grahame? You even have to use the word 'believe' to describe your faith. People don't 'believe' that 2+2 make 4, or that the sea is liquid. They are absolutely provable assertions. Unlike the existence of gods, fairies, angels or Father Christmas.


You atheists will keep talking about Father Christmas and fairies. I sometimes wonder about your lot. :)


Let me explain about rational thought. A young child quite rationally believes in Father Christmas because in His limited world view that is the rational explanation. However it is not a truth.


An example of a truth and this is only for illustration purposes is that you and I can be stood over an ant looking down on it and the ant can be totally unaware of our presence. Likewise with God.



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