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God does NOT exist!

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Well I think it's a load of pretentious nonsense.Yes, the healthiest.:thumbsup:


"well i think you've just neatly sidestepped the main point of my post" - something you guys seem fond of picking up on, but something i don't usually bother to follow up as i figure you may have a problem addressing it for some reason , and i'm not one to bully for an answer. So - my points/questions again, and could you expand a bit on why you think it's the healthiest way to bring up a child? I appreciate you may be out of your comfort zone (adressing what you feel to be pretentions nonsense) but give it a go.


"But I am interested in how you guys have come to think they way you do. I find it extreem, and spiritually stifling, but it brings you satisfaction somehow. I do understand that radically living out what you see to be true is satisfying, and congruent, but it can mean that you become

blind to life and truth that exists outside it, this as always is totally fine unless it harms some one else. What is your take on that? Do you think that your view on reality is a healthy one, for example, to bring up children in?"

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Maybe the question wasn't answered because it was long, vague and waffly?


What is their take on your opinion of their lifestyle, they probably think that you've got it wrong and don't really understand.


Do they think that their view on reality (I'm assume you mean atheism?) is healthy.

I expect that they do, as I'm sure you already know, hence no need to answer this question.

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Don't let your brain fall out, like when people have evidence about STi but don't take precautions.

If someone was 'keeping an open mind' that STI's didn't exist then I'd think that they were an idiot.

I've not seen anyone with that opinion though.


The top and bottom of it is that either with or without evidence people believe what they want, and do what they want and no amount of rational argument can stop them even if they have the evidence in front of them.

It can, if they are rational themselves. My beliefs are all based on rationality, so evidence and rational argument can change them.


That is when they let their brain fall out and it happens all the time in the back seats of cars for example.



You're obsessed with sex, maybe it's a Christian thing.

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If someone was 'keeping an open mind' that STI's didn't exist then I'd think that they were an idiot.

I've not seen anyone with that opinion though.

It can, if they are rational themselves. My beliefs are all based on rationality, so evidence and rational argument can change them.

You're obsessed with sex, maybe it's a Christian thing.


Tell me Cyclone just out of interest. What we have on our monitor is a bright light and the black letters are simply the result of some pixels not being illuminated. What we see is the darkness of the monitor screen against the luminance and if I was to turn the luminance off (turn the brightness down) people would say the words do not exist but as soon as we turn the brightness up we can see they do exist and people would be wrong to deny their existence because they were there all the time. Do you agree? :)



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It seems to me that aggressive anti-theism has a large input into this thread, and unfortunately atheists are getting sucked in without realising.

The entire thread is based on the allegation that God doe's not exist, It's not there to set people at each others throats, or is it!

The problem I have with aggresive anti-theists is their total lack of respect for theists and atheists alike.

This thread will never provide you with answers as to the existance of God,

You find that out for yourself!

I seem to remember somebody once writing a song that went

"all you need is love"

Try starting there and perhaps we all might live in a better world.

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Tell me Cyclone just out of interest. What we have on our monitor is a bright light and the black letters are simply the result of some pixels not being illuminated. What we see is the darkness of the monitor screen against the luminance and if I was to turn the luminance off (turn the brightness down) people would say the words do not exist but as soon as we turn the brightness up we can see they do exist and people would be wrong to deny their existence because they were there all the time. Do you agree? :)




I agree that something can exist without you being able to see it yes.


If I told you that there were secret words on a sheet of glass, and that no matter what you did you'd never see them, you just had to have faith that the words were there. You'd quite rightly conclude that there were probably no words since I was incapable of offering any evidence to support their existence.

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It was irrational of our grandparents to laugh at the thought of people flying.


It was irrational for a man to walk in front of a car carrying a red flag.


It is only recently we discovered the atom and it is irrational to close you mind to the possibility of further discoveries, God perhaps being one of them. It is irrational to close your mind.


As for the rest we have been through it many times and I said I was going to stop posting so I will bid you good night.




Grahame- prove that you have an open mind- type this sentence:


I am open to the possibility that there may be no God.


Go on, I dare you! It would prove that you have an open mind. Almost every atheist on this thread, myself included, is open to the possibility of a god but have yet to be presented with any decent evidence. Somehow I doubt that you will show yourself to have an open mind.

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Last night i prayed for an end to famine and i also asked god to get rid of all types of cancer.

I have no vested interest and it was a totaly selfless act but guess what.

He didnt do ****.

Why do you think that is god's job to get rid of cancer and poverty etc. If God put man in charge of the world (and the Bibles says He did) then it is man's job. So blame man not God.

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Yes a lot of people who were against slavery may well have believed in God and will have called themselves Christians.[/QUote]

And by definition they are no atheists then.


Those who voted in favour of slavery were the ship owners, the slave traders and anyone else who stood to make a profit financially.[/Quote]

Wait you said it was Pirates that conducted slavery...


"Wash your mouth out. They were pirates and were NOT God fearing."


Since when did Pirates have a vote?


Taking people captive, branding them with hot irons (I have seen them) treating them intolerably and throwing them overboard to their certain death if they saw a government patrol vessels is far from being a Christian act.

What are you on about "Government Patrol Vessel" governments supported slavery.


Personally I think that if anyone is a "God fearing person" then obviously they are going to believe in God and that will limit the extent of their actions,[/Quote]

Sorry but your personal incredulity isn't representative of the real world.


but If you take that away as atheists do then there is nothing stopping them from committing the most horrible offences against humanity other than their own sense of right and wrong, but some of these people had such hard hearts their first and only thought was one of profit and to them the slaves were nothing more than cattle.


SO no their own sense of right and wrong? So all your evidence comes down to in the end, is what you think atheists are capable of, not wether the fact they did it or not.


It is not hard to harden your heart and if you talk to a fireman or someone who has to deal with motorway accidents and cut dead bodies from smashed up cars, they will tell you that in order to be able to sleep at night they have to look on those dead people simply as either dead cattle or inanimate objects. They have to for their own sanity but these slave traders chose to treat these people as they did of their own free will and shutting themselves off from <b>God and denying His existence</b>[/Quote]


See the bold, it's another thing you just made up as pure conjecture to support your argument, without any backing. I would ask you to provide some, but know you it won't be forthcoming.


and the possibility of divine retribution was the way to do it and that would make them atheists, obviously their are very nice atheists as well who will do anything to help another human being, but these were atheists of the worst sort.

So all in all you didn't provide any evidence that they were atheists just asserting they were because they voted for slavery...


Funny you didn't even name one of these people, if you can't even name one, then how are you to know who he was or his religious belief, other than asserting it for him.

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I agree that something can exist without you being able to see it yes.


If I told you that there were secret words on a sheet of glass, and that no matter what you did you'd never see them, you just had to have faith that the words were there. You'd quite rightly conclude that there were probably no words since I was incapable of offering any evidence to support their existence.


I have read that your printer can be identified by a code on every sheet you print but I don't have any evidence for that.

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