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God does NOT exist!

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;5020186']Faith is not a virtue. I point to my signature at this point. :)


What Francis Bacon said is true in my life, I began with doubts and when you work them through you become certain in your faith and sure and steadfast in the Lord. Perhaps you are at the same point I was at one time?



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What Francis Bacon said is true in my life, I began with doubts and when you work them through you become certain in your faith and sure and steadfast in the Lord. Perhaps you are at the same point I was at one time?



I'll end with certainties when there's something to be certain about. In my case a belief in god without decent evidence simply cannot end with a certainty. :)
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As a young Christian you ask questions and when you find answers your faith becomes stronger and whereas like doubting Thomas we can all have doubts from time to time as you grow stronger in the Lord your faith becomes stronger. It is about growing in grace which you would not understand but perhaps you might remember your first wobbly attempts at riding a bicycle until you become stronger in what you do and then you might become another Malcolm Elliott. :)




Thanks Grahame but could you answer my question? In the first post you said that you are open to the possibility there there may be no god but in the second you have said that you have no doubts. It can't be both so are you 100% sure that God is real or do you entertain the chance that he might not be?

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;5020399']Non of what you mentioned was disturbing at all to me either. If there's anything disturbing about her or the documentary its that she's a young earth creationist who listens to 'the way of the master' pod-cast which maybe even Grahame would agree is a broadcaster of complete ignorance. She's basically regurgitating the pod-cast to others wholesale and makes the same assertions of the big bang theory saying 'its just stupid' and dismisses evolution in exactly the same manner also.


If you want a taste of how bad the way of the master can be then watch this and laugh... :)



That's brilliant- he has officially changed my mind! All praise Almighty God and his bananna creation abilities! Hallelujah!!:love::love:

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Are all christians the same?


Fortunately not (most are normal individuals). Then are, however, the extremeists (of which, Grahame is one:().


This will probably be my last post.


If only:hihi:.

Oh look, another insane statement from our resident religious zealot:


Darwin is seen as a god by atheists while his disciples are, jealous, violent, and tyrannical.


Oh dear:rolleyes:.



is any believer who disagrees with Grahame's interpretation of the bible not a Christian...


That's about as close to the bottom line as you can get:thumbsup:


at least our morality has evolved past allowing men to marry 14 year old girls.


That's pretty recent (the age of consent in the UK being 16):


A concern that young girls were being sold into brothels led Parliament to raise the age of consent to 13 in 1875 under the Offences Against the Person Act 1875. After W. T. Stead's Maiden Tribute articles, the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 raised the age of consent to 16.


The christians were quite happy with the age being 12 for a good few centuries.


remember all the adoration given to Darwin at his recent anniversary..


Oh yeah.


A few hours of airtime given to one man.


Yet "god" has his own channel:confused:.


"Richard Weikart explains the revolutionary impact Darwinism had on ethics and morality."


So, Darwin was responsible for bettering our morals (read my link above re the age of consent - Darwinism starts, age of consent is raised to 16 3 years after his death - sounds good to me).


I don't know this hymn. Do you mean "How Great Thou Art"?


Closely followed by "My god's better than your god".


You said it was rational for a man to walk in front of a moving car and I said that was stupid.


It's you who is the stupid one. Of course now it's irational to walk in front of a car with a red flag - back then, it was perfectly rational). A bit like your religion (it was rational a few hundred years ago, now it is irational and bigoted to the degree where it is trying to reinterpret itself).


Do you understand now?


I know He was real and I can read about Him.


You can read about Zeuss, Thor et-al. Does that make them "real"?


like when people have evidence about STi but don't take precautions.


Yet it is the ateists that are giving them the knowledge of how to prevent their spread:confused::

This is precisely what you and your fellow atheists are doing showing them how to use condoms, as a result there was a plague [sTi?}


The evidence of banannas has changed my mind- I am an official 7th Day Bananna Adventist!:love:


Whereas, for me, it has reinforced by non-belief. I mean, if there was a god, and we're made in "his" image, then we'd all like bananas, but I don't. So there can't be a god:hihi:.

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Science is about the physical world and how it works.


Christianity (and philosophy) are about people and how they work.


The scientifically inclined atheists on here have not grasped this important difference.



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Science is about the physical world and how it works.


Christianity (and philosophy) are about people and how they work.


The scientifically inclined atheists on here have not grasped this important difference.



Philosophy is also often about the physical world and how it works, and Christianity is about the physical world too, you live your live here on this physical world differently because of it. To imply that Christianity is outside the realm of scientific enquiry is wrong. The bible presents a history that is easily shown to be false using scientific methods.


Don't forget that science is also concerned with people and how they work, working for the betterment of humanity, to think otherwise is idiocy, what do you think the whole of modern medicine is based on?


I'll give you a clue: It's not Christianity or philosophy.


Also Philosophy and Science are not mutually exclusive, the first scientists didn't call themselves scientists they were just 'natural philosophers'.

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Science is about the physical world and how it works.


Christianity (and philosophy) are about people and how they work.


The scientifically inclined atheists on here have not grasped this important difference.

Science is about the real world and how it works. Science is a method for impartially estimating the truth about the natural world. Science recognises scepticism as a virtue for pushing back the bounds of ignorance and crawling closer to truth.


Christianity is about blithely accepting 'revealed wisdom' concerning a man who wasn't called Jesus Christ, and may not even have existed. The gospels were written decades after the events they purport to descrobe, by scholars who'd never met the people whose stories they supposedly told.


Science is about approaching the truth. Religion is about denying it.

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just a thought but


scientists thought the world was flat till it was proved round.

then the sun circled the earth till proved the other way.


I think sometimes we have to have the same faith in science as

we have in god. That people who know more than us are right.


I never met the scientist that proved the world was round but base

my knowledge on his findings.


Same as, things are made up of atoms. I havent ever seen one

so take it on good faith that they are.

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just a thought but


scientists thought the world was flat till it was proved round.

then the sun circled the earth till proved the other way.


I think sometimes we have to have the same faith in science as

we have in god. That people who know more than us are right.


I never met the scientist that proved the world was round but base

my knowledge on his findings.

I know the world is round because I've seen ships disappear over the horizon for one thing. Also I've seen photographs of the earth from outer space. I don't need to take anyone's word for it.


Same as, things are made up of atoms. I havent ever seen one

so take it on good faith that they are.

You can observe Brownian motion for yourself quite easily to demonstrate that things are made of atoms.


A quick bit of reading on Wikipedia and you can read all about the other evidence for the atomic model. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom#History.


Your two examples as I have shown are not similar to belief in god. There is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of god.

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