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God does NOT exist!

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Also, do you actually know what 'the selfish gene' is or means?

I almost highlighted that too, I doubt she does to be honest, her minds probably too open to read any Dawkins.:rolleyes:

And the context in which she used it suggests that she thinks it's a gene that makes people selfish or something:hihi:

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Science is about the physical world and how it works.

Yes they are.


Christianity (and philosophy) are about people and how they work.

Philosophy is, Christianity isn't.


The scientifically inclined atheists on here have not grasped this important difference.




Your distinction is fallacious, nothing to grasp here.

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Science is about the physical world and how it works.


Yes they are.




Christianity (and philosophy) are about people and how they work.


Philosophy is, Christianity isn't.


Isn't christianity about faith in Jesus, and philosophy a love for knowledge and truth, or something?


The scientifically inclined atheists on here have not grasped this important difference.


Your distinction is fallacious, nothing to grasp here.


Well, as I see it, some people, in faith, believe that Jesus was the son of God, and some people don't, based on a matter of what lack of evidence exists.


That's it.

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Isn't christianity about faith in Jesus, and philosophy a love for knowledge and truth, or something?

The word philosophy may literally mean 'love of wisdom' however I'm pretty sure that Cyclone was referring to the discipline that most people think of when someone says 'philosophy'.


And I thought I was pedantic:rolleyes:

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The word philosophy may literally mean 'love of wisdom' however I'm pretty sure that Cyclone was referring to the discipline that most people think of when someone says 'philosophy'.


And I thought I was pedantic:rolleyes:


How do you mean? What discipline is this? Study?

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I am a pacifist, my outlook on life does not cause harm to others.:thumbsup:Yes, if I have kids in the future I will bring them up to analyse things critically and think sceptically about any extraordinary claims. And I think that is the best mindset to bring up a child in, teach them to think

critically and analyse things properly then let them make their own mind up about nonsense merchants like yourself.:thumbsup:


Thanks Jimmy - read with interest. The only point I'd like to further here - is that you obviously think you are right - in terms of there being no life other than the material, so you will naturally live in this way and seek to bring us any children you may have in this way too. As a theist, i am used to hearing from athiests the argument that belief should not be enforced on a child and that critical analysis should be encouraged. But the truth is - that you may be wrong. I'll make this personal, just to further the point. I was brought up in an environment where belief in god was rationalised, criticised and ultimately ridiculed.


From an early age I had a strong conviction about the existance of god - and would ask many questions which obviously, after all the rationalising didn't have the desired effect - hit a derisive brick wall. Belief in god and a life of faith has always been central to my life - but it was tough as a kid trying to communicate any of this at home.


So my point is really - when one of those "nonsense merchants" turns out to be one of your kids, things can get a bit tricky. Having such a strong rational, positivist, athiestic (call it what you like) conviction can be damaging to a child too.

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I know the world is round because I've seen ships disappear over the horizon for one thing. Also I've seen photographs of the earth from outer space. I don't need to take anyone's word for it.


You can observe Brownian motion for yourself quite easily to demonstrate that things are made of atoms.


A quick bit of reading on Wikipedia and you can read all about the other evidence for the atomic model. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom#History.


Your two examples as I have shown are not similar to belief in god. There is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of god.


sorry what i was badly trying to say is through our existence

science hasn't always been right. But we trust it to be.


You might say now that ships disapear over the horizon.


but years ago intelligent men knew that but still thought it flat.


who knows what science will find in the future. It might find that

one obnipitant being is watching over us. Who knows


imagine what our ansesters would have thought of HD TV


Please don't dysect my post. I'm intrested what people think

not debating a point. If you disagree I am intrested

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sorry what i was badly trying to say is through our existence

science hasn't always been right. But we trust it to be.


You might say now that ships disapear over the horizon.


but years ago intelligent men knew that but still thought it flat.


By years ago you mean about 2800 years ago yes?


who knows what science will find in the future. It might find that

one obnipitant being is watching over us. Who knows


imagine what our ansesters would have thought of HD TV


Please don't dysect my post. I'm intrested what people think

not debating a point. If you disagree I am intrested

Oh and personal incredulity isn't a really a valid point.

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By years ago you mean about 2800 years ago yes?



Oh and personal incredulity isn't a really a valid point.





Imagin how thing will change in another 2800 years.


as for personal incredulity I suppose it depends if you belive in god.

I don't have to prove he exists. To me he just does untill proven diffrent.

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