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God does NOT exist!

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when i was at school we were told ..god answers all prayers, sometimes he just says no .


maybe humans havent suffered enough yet as some of the things ive read in the bible make it clear he is a very vengefull god,he wants people to fear him and worship him at the same time


I take the view of someone else on here who reminded us that God made man in his own image and gave us dominion meaning we are in charge, and we are not doing a very good job of it. That is mankind for you. It is also my belief that in Old Testament days, but not today as we are living under a New Covenant that God took vengeance against those who disobeyed Him.



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If a slave trader throws slaves overboard to their certain death attaching a cannon ball to their ankle, that person is not a Christian.




Grahame, we were talking about the votes in government to which you said atheists voted against abolition.


Now can you name at least one atheist that voted against it, yes or no?

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They can follow and be accepted into any religion they want. In the eyes of Christianity they may be a sinner but you are not at liberty to say whether or not they could be a Christian. You are not god Grahame.


God looks on the heart and has told us it is deceitful and desperately wicked above all things and that our righteousness is as filthy rags.



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;5022598']That's not the point so stop avoiding the question. The point is would you lie or not because lying would be the right thing to do regardless of the actions the officer would take.


I am not going to be spoken to like that by you Matt.



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;5022622']I'll quote someone else instead.if i repeat the question enough do you think he'll answer? :rolleyes:


I doubt it as it involves a dangerous concept- going back on something he has said previously and admitting he was wrong. I think if he doesn't answer that we should take it that he wouldn't lie to the Nazis and would rather tell the truth and let the Jews burn in an oven than save them and make baby Jesus cry by lying.

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That wasn't the question. Would you lie if the lie protected the lives of innocents?


If I said No, they would search the house anyway and kill me as well. I would tell the truth.


I had done all I could possibly do by taking them in and hiding them and giving them food. There comes a point when you can do no more.



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